Obama Uses Fake News Show to Justify Failed Presidency Mark Meckler July 27, 2015 Big Government, Corruption, Featured, IRS Lawsuit, Mark's Commentaries, News There’s no better place to go to provide flimsy excuses for a failed presidency than a fake news show on Comedy Central. It really is perfect...
Obama’s Budget Slashes School Choice Mark Meckler February 10, 2015 Budget, Education, Featured, News Follow the money. The President’s newly-proposed budget for 2016 shows where his priorities really are. He increased funds for some of his “pet...
Bobby Jindal Sues: Common Core Violated States’ Rights Mark Meckler October 13, 2014 Common Core, Featured, News The educational value of adopting Common Core standards has sparked debate among educators and parents across the nation. Louisiana Governor Bobby...
Maybe Eric Holder Should Run the Secret Service Mark Meckler September 29, 2014 Barf Bag, Corruption, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News In the wake of the news of Eric Holder’s resignation, many voices are weighing in on the legacy he will leave behind. Newscasters have...
Obama Blames Tea Party for Frustrating His Agenda Mark Meckler August 19, 2014 Barf Bag, News, Tea Party Name-calling is par for the course in politics, from the earliest days of our republic until now. Usually, the angrier the tone, the closer the...
Obamacare and the Sting of Empty Promises Mark Meckler July 23, 2014 Incumbent Accountability, Lawmaker Lunacy, News “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” Every American remembers hearing this empty promise. I bet you can...
A Huge Blow to Obamacare Mark Meckler July 22, 2014 Big Government, News In a huge blow to Obama’s health care law and his executive powers, a D.C. Federal Appeals Court says enforcement actually has to stick to what the...
The IRS Is Ready to Move On, But the American People Are Not Mark Meckler July 15, 2014 Corruption, IRS Lawsuit, Mark's Commentaries, News, Scandals Ever since the IRS scandal broke, the agency’s defenders have been saying it’s over. President Obama denied a “smidgen” of corruption. Elijah...
Congress Members Sue Executive Branch for Overreach Mark Meckler April 25, 2014 Big Government, Dispersed Power, News, U.S. Constitution Someone is finally realizing that government needs boundaries. Thirty-eight members of Congress have joined Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson’s lawsuit...
How is Obama Like this 11th Century King? Mark Meckler February 5, 2014 Incumbent Accountability, News Canute the Great was a Viking leader and an 11th-century King of England. Legend has it that once he overheard his flattering royal advisors brag...