Parents Bullied in the Name of Common Core Mark Meckler April 9, 2015 Big Government, Common Core, Education, Featured, News Third graders at Coleman A. Young Elementary in Detroit, Michigan brought a letter home that threatened them with suspension if their parents didn’t come to a meeting about the new Common Core testing – in...
Bobby Jindal Sues: Common Core Violated States’ Rights Mark Meckler October 13, 2014 Common Core, Featured, News The educational value of adopting Common Core standards has sparked debate among educators and parents across the nation. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal brought another perspective back into the spotlight...
New Poll Shows Americans Favor Local Control of Education Mark Meckler August 29, 2014 Big Government, Common Core, Dispersed Power, Education, News Just in time for the start of the school year, Phi Delta Kappa and Gallup released poll results showing that most Americans think education is best controlled at the local level. The poll, taken during May...
“The People” Are Winning Against Common Core Mark Meckler June 2, 2014 Common Core, Engaged Citizens, News Parents are winning the battle against Common Core federal education standards. Not only are states leaving the program, politicians who support Common Core have felt the heat in recent elections. Michelle...
Common Core Opposition Grows Mark Meckler April 2, 2014 Common Core, News The battle against Common Core is moving from state to state and the opponents are becoming stronger. A tremendous video introduced recently by the Home School Legal Defense Association will arm the millions...
Common Core Math Standards Are Too Weak Mark Meckler January 8, 2014 Common Core, Dispersed Power In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal entitled “Common Core Doesn’t Add up to STEM Success,” Sandra Stotsky lays out the reasons why the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for mathematics are...