Wisconsin Supreme Court Stops Unlawful “John Doe” Investigations Mark Meckler August 15, 2015 Citizens Spotlight, Corruption, Featured, News, Scandals Patriotic citizens have won a great victory! The Wisconsin Supreme Court sided with the Constitution over the novel theories of regulators when it issued a powerful ruling to terminate the menacing “John...
Mark Meckler on Fox News: 24,000 Lost IRS Emails Mark Meckler June 30, 2015 Big Government, Corruption, Featured, IRS Lawsuit, Mark's Commentaries, News, Scandals Mark Meckler appeared on Fox News recently to discuss how the IRS could "lose" 24,000 emails that pertain to that agency's targeting of conservative groups. Many of them, the IRS admits, were to or from former...
John McCain’s Credibility Questioned over IRS Targeting Mark Meckler April 22, 2015 Featured, IRS Lawsuit, News, Scandals Recent revelations have cast serious doubt on the credibility of Senator John McCain and whether he knew and even encouraged IRS targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups. McCain staffers met with Lois...
More IRS Smoking Gun Emails Mark Meckler April 22, 2015 Big Government, Corruption, Featured, IRS Lawsuit, News, Scandals As the tedious process of sorting through three years’ worth of IRS emails continues, more evidence mounts showing how far-reaching and deliberate the cover-up actually was. More of Lois Lerner’s emails...
DEA Agents Attended Cartel-Funded Sex Parties in Columbia Mark Meckler April 2, 2015 Barf Bag, Corruption, Featured, News, Scandals First the Secret Service, now the DEA. The protectors of the President have been in hot water over the hiring of prostitutes on a trip to Columbia. Now it seems the DEA tried to outdo them – attending...
The Clintons Have Always Been about Pay to Play Mark Meckler March 25, 2015 Corruption, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News, Scandals On the campaign trail in 2008, then-Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were in a cycle of one-upping each other on their transparency in public office. At one stop, Hillary proudly announced: “I...
Republican Congress Prepares to Challenge IRS Mark Meckler February 3, 2015 Dispersed Power, Featured, IRS Lawsuit, News, Scandals Since Republicans took control of the House and the Senate in November’s election, one of their priorities has been getting to the bottom of the IRS targeting scandal. Investigations have stalled after...
HealthCare.Gov Lets Dozens of Third-Party Companies Collect Personal Data Mark Meckler January 30, 2015 Featured, Lawmaker Lunacy, News, Scandals During the State of the Union address, President Obama announced a new initiative to protect Americans’ personal information online. The first place he might want to look is the government’s own...
Justice Department Claims it Had No Idea It Hacked Sharyl Attkisson’s Computers Mark Meckler January 22, 2015 Activist Stories, Big Government, Corruption, Engaged Citizens, Featured, News, Scandals Sharyl Attkisson has long been bringing attention to the hypocrisy, lies, and scandals of President Obama’s administration. She’s done such a good job, it appears, that they hacked her computers to keep...
IRS Targeted “Icky” Conservative Groups Mark Meckler December 30, 2014 Corruption, Featured, IRS Lawsuit, News, Scandals It’s not over yet. Not by a long shot. Before the head of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa steps down from his position after the New Year, he released a 226-page summary report of the...