Isn’t it nice when our “elites” think about the common folk? Well, in November of 2016, the leftists who voted for Hillary Clinton were sent into a tailspin, trying to make sense of how on earth they got it so wrong… Especially while pulling the strings of the mainstream media. Why didn’t American voters do as they were repeatedly told to do? Hillary Clinton has a new book coming out in September called, What Happened which wrangles with this question. Supposedly this is the “most personal” book she’s ever written and explains just how on earth she managed to lose the election to Trump. “It will also give readers an idea of what it’s really like to run for president, especially if you’re a woman,” she said. Oh, the woman card. Of course. It had been precisely 37 seconds since she mentioned that she was female. (Isn’t it ironic that the very radical leftists who want us to forget all about gender bring it up so much?) But CNN’s Fareed Zakaria has a different theory on why Hillary lost: “The election of Donald Trump is really a kind of class rebellion against people like us, educated professionals who live in cities, who have cosmopolitan views about things,” Zakaria said. “There’s a part of America that is sick and tired of being told what to do by this overeducated population that Hillary Clinton perfectly represented. That’s why they’re sticking with him,” he continued. (Free Beacon) Let’s pause here just a second. Can you imagine the lack of self-awareness it takes to describe yourself as “elite,” “cosmopolitan,” and “overeducated?” One of America’s problems is that our so-called elites are absolutely “elite” in no aspect of their lives except in their commitment to arrogance and condescension. I’m going to go out on a limb here. People didn’t vote for Hillary because she herself is an out-of-touch-arrogant-self-identifying-elite and normal Americans can see right through that. Or, if you don’t like that excuse, maybe we were sick and tired of Obama treating patriotic Americans like we were the enemy? Or, I don’t know. Benghazi. Or, Clinton’s disregard for confidential information? We didn’t want to “stick it” to anyone. We just want to save this nation from a corrupt government. (Click to find out the only tool available to save this nation: the Convention of States.) Anyone who’s willing to fight against an ever-growing, inept government is “elite” in my book. Image Credit: DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 27JAN11 – Fareed Zakaria, Anchor, Fareed Zakaria – GPS, CNN, USA asks questions during the session ‘The Next Shock: Are We Better Prepared?’ at the Annual Meeting 2011 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 27, 2011. Copyright by World Economic Forum by Sebastian Derungs Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:1 × one = Δ