.@Pyramid_seven is making periods easier, for everyone. https://t.co/rlpdz5ZEC3 — Whole Woman’s Health (@WholeWomans) July 31, 2017 This is going to be complicated, so let me explain this very very carefully. Some women believe they are men, so they call themselves “transgendered.” But no amount of male clothing, hormones, or surgery actually can turn a woman into a man. So all of these “men” are walking around in boxers, which is complicated for them when they actually have their periods… because they’re girls. Got that? Now, there’s a new thing called “menstruation activists” who are women-pretending-to-be-men who are talking about how men have periods too. (Don’t believe me? This photo of a “man” having a period actually went viral. Yuck.) And so, a new company is fixing a problem you didn’t know existed. Apparently, Pyramid Seven has created underwear so that women who call themselves men can have their periods without inconvenience: Pads and pantyliners were designed to fit perfectly in feminine underwear. After all, women are the only people to get periods, right?Wrong. Transgender men and masculine-presenting people menstruate, too. But traditional boxers aren’t designed to securely hold period products. To solve this issue, a new company created an innovative and gender-affirming solution: menstruation-friendly boxers. Welcome to 2017! But at least one pundit, Megan Fox at PJ Media, isn’t buying this. She wrote: My main takeaway from this is that you girls out there who want to be guys are phoning it in. What is this? Amateur hour? If you want to be a man, then you don’t have a period. This is easily fixable. It’s called a “hysterectomy.” Frankly, if you’re unwilling to do that, then put a skirt back on because you’re doing it wrong. What is the deal with the straddling of the fence with transgendered people? Pick a side. Do not put tampons in the men’s room. Don’t whine about periods. Just get rid of it. If you don’t want to swing for the surgery you can go to the clinic and get a Depo-Provera shot that will stop the bleeding indefinitely. What I find interesting is that there are so few people in America who are actually transgendered — contrary to what you might think compared to the amount of attention they recieve — that this company is not hoping to get rich off this completely redundant product. The market always fulfills a need. If it doesn’t that’s a pretty good sign the product was created solely for the purpose of virtue signaling. As one astute Twitter user said: We actually have zero interest in co-existing with nuts who believe men can have periods or think there are more than two genders. No thx. pic.twitter.com/5R7WdUqlxD — VK (@vjeannek) July 24, 2017 Exactly. Let’s stop playing the words games. Men don’t have periods. Period. Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:3 × 1 = Δ