She’d give the shirt off her back. Literally. Girls creator Lena Dunham announced that she’s selling the dress she wore on the day that Donald Trump won the Presidential victory over Hillary Clinton. The money she makes off the dress will go to the abortion factory Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The Daily Wire reports: “I realized I had been carrying around a lot of crap, both internally and externally,” the 31-year-old told The New York Times. The feminist with an affinity for lying about abuse is selling the dress for $125 and sending along a “personal note” for the unfortunate buyer. Perhaps the dress will be saturated with feminist tears? (Hey, that actually might be a selling point.) Here was her announcement: I partnered with @therealreal by donating items from my wardrobe to benefit @PPact and you can shop NOW: — Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) July 10, 2017 Looks like most of the items sold. The dress she wore that night — the “Kenzo Ruffled Print Dress” — went to some person in America for $125. Here’s my favorite tweet about this dress… This is the second-most-famous dress stained by Leftist juices ever. It can be yours for just a few abortions. — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 10, 2017 You have to hand it to leftists. They are dedicated to fighting tooth and nail — or in this case, dress and high heeled shoe. Patriotic people of America need to realize that they are dedicated to their ideals as much — or sometimes more — than normal Americans who have typical jobs and are worried about making sure they have bread on the table. We must match their fervor – and exceed it — if we hope to save this nation. No, you don’t have to put that old pair of Carhartts on eBay. But there is one way to actually, really, permanently change this nation. The Convention of States is our last real hope at saving America from crazy leftists, corrupt government officials, and inept politicians. Learn more about it here. Image Credit: alien_artifact on Flickr Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:seventeen − eight = Δ