In early 1998, Bill Clinton—perhaps the most poll-driven president in American history—reportedly commissioned Dick Morris to poll-test the reaction if it turned out that he’d actually had an affair with Monica Lewinsky. The result? Voters would want him to resign. His response? “Well, we’ll just have to win, then.” And win he did, after launching a vicious, months-long smear campaign against his accusers that featured an avalanche of lies directed at the American people, including his most loyal friends and supporters. By the end of the tawdry affair, America was numb to the truth, the reputations of good people were forever tarnished in the minds of millions, and Bill Clinton ultimately skated through with a mere slap on the wrist. Today he remains a hero of his party. But Clinton’s Machiavellian streak is nothing compared to Barack Obama’s. At least when Bill Clinton decided to “just win,” the casualties were limited to his accusers and investigators. When President Obama adopts the same philosophy, his victims number in the tens of millions. This Sunday, the Washington Post finally began doing its job—holding the powerful accountable—and published a lengthy investigation of the Obamacare debacle. Its key finding was illuminating regarding the character of our president. See what they found in my latest article in the American Spectator.