Today I was doing my daily meditation and, as a way to stir my spiritual thoughts, I read The Campaign. This immediately brought to mind the situation here in Florida when a 13-year-old child took her own life after being maliciously bullied for a year by two of her peers. Even changing schools did not help because the in-person bullying turned to cyber-bullying. The child was left to feel hopeless, lonely, and worthless enough that she jumped to her death. How many children and even adults feel this way? How much of this could be prevented if those of us who care were able to reach out an help these children and adults. You may remember a recent post on this website entitled Oh, the Irony. Written by a plaintiff in our class action lawsuit against the IRS, Dr. Patrick Hill, this blog described how his personal mission to wipe out bullying in neighborhood schools was itself targeted and bullied by the IRS. The mission of Dr. Hill’s Bully Blotter is three-fold: 1. To serve as a national resource for victims of bullying and their families in our nation’s public schools 2. To provide a public rating system and accountability model measuring the effective responsiveness of schools to reported claims of bullying, as rated by vicitims of bullying or their parents 3. To promote social justice by holding school administrators more accountable in the prevention of bullying I personally want to give Dr. Hill a huge thank you for his efforts and want to support him in any way I can. From the president down, bullying has become a way of life in our country and we must reverse this trend! Back to my meditation: Let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. —Romans 14:19 Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:9 + thirteen = Δ