Since President Joe Biden’s Sept. 9 speech in which he announced an executive order mandating vaccines for all businesses with over 100 employees, the nation’s divisive state has only worsened to single out those who hold viewpoints different from those in control in Washington. The blatant discrimination has now covered all levels, from federal government agencies down to local schools, hospitals and stores. Last week, Convention of States President Mark Meckler identified Biden’s “divide and conquer” strategy. This week, we have more examples of that strategy being put into action. The White House has strategically invaded every possible sector of the executive branch with vaccine mandates. Active-duty military received orders last month to either get fully vaxxed against COVID-19 or face dishonorable discharge. Now, the Pentagon is telling all civilian workers to get vaccinated and show proof. “All DoD civilian employees must be fully vaccinated by November 22, 2021, subject to exemptions as required by law,” Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks wrote, according to documents obtained by Fox. “Vaccinating DoD civilian employees against COVID-19 will save lives and allow for the defense of our Nation.” SEE ALSO: Gun Control Meccas See Crime Spike, Nearly 400 Shot in Chicago in September While there is slight leeway for those claiming certain exemptions, the fact remains that questioning the vaccine and its long-term effects and efficacy is considered wrong and a possibly fireable offense. Thinking differently and doing your own research on any given topic is no longer an option, and the government has made that abundantly clear over the past year. Those with views different from the current administration are labeled domestic terrorists and white supremists. When did it become wrong to ask questions – especially when the outcome is inherently bigger government and richer leaders? This rapid attack on free-thinking in the name of health is weeding out good people from all fields who won’t just sit back and comply without question. Replacements are quickly happening in the military, the education system and hospital systems as workers get fired or quit over vaccine mandates. SEE ALSO: Biden’s Tyrannical Vaccine Mandates Are Designed to Divide Us. We Shouldn’t Let Him. New York’s largest healthcare provider recently fired 1,400 employees because they refused to get vaccinated against their will. Supporters of the firings point out that those employees only represent about 2% of the system’s workforce, but the state is already facing a severe hospital staffing shortage due in part to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. This week, New York Governor Kathy Hochul declared a state of emergency due to “current staffing shortages in hospitals and other facilities.” “Severe understaffing in hospitals and other healthcare facilities is expected to effect [sic] the ability to provide critical care and to adequately serve vulnerable populations,” she said. “There is an immediate and critical need to supplement staffing to assure healthcare facilities can provide care.” This shortage will no doubt increase the animosity between those who have been vaccinated and those who haven’t. But it will also ensure that only compliant Americans are able to work in our hospitals, schools, and factories. In the end, our country will be divided between those who follow government orders and those who think for themselves. It’s time we take a stand against government overreach because it will never get better by complying and allowing the good Americans to be replaced.