I went to bed last night feeling even more distraught and frustrated then I did last November 6th — something I never thought possible. How can the opposition be winning on almost every front? It is like my weak attempts to learn bridge in recent years — even when I have the best of hands, the master bridge players seem to trump my every play! I fundamentally believe a government that controls our healthcare (Affordable Care Act) and controls our children’s education (Common Core) can leverage power into almost every other aspect of our lives! You can see why this is frightening! Then I woke up this morning to a phone call from a CSG supporter and an email from a friend that combined to get me out of my funk. The CSG supporter said that if we stand together as like-minded people and focus on our shared values, we can be victorious in fighting the good fight. The email from my friend had a video that included this quote: “If they are going to change the way the constitution works and fundamentally alter the character of our country and damage the future of a lot of kids, you just have to say NO and then hope there will be a basis for some argument.” Doesn’t that sound like a grassroots conservative? Surprise, surprise! It was President Clinton giving advice to President Obama . . . and the “they” is us! I laughed out loud and a better day emerged! The moral of this story…this country is upside down and we need to find some humor in the absurdities — and not despair. Let’s just get to work on turning things around. Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:5 − two = Δ