The Clintons Have Always Been about Pay to Play Mark Meckler March 25, 2015 Corruption, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News, Scandals On the campaign trail in 2008, then-Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were in a cycle of one-upping each other on their transparency in...
Dear President Obama, Didn’t You Get Clinton’s Memo? Mark Meckler December 11, 2013 Lawmaker Lunacy Almost 18 years ago, Bill Clinton stood before a joint session of Congress and declared that the “era of big government is over.” This...
A Good Laugh About the Upside-Down Nature of Our Nation Mark Meckler October 2, 2013 Shared Values I went to bed last night feeling even more distraught and frustrated then I did last November 6th — something I never thought possible. How can...