Florida City Councilman Explains Self-Governance in the Best Possible Way Mark Meckler March 29, 2016 Big Government, Featured, News Cid has made a phenomenal impact in Miami Lakes with Home Rule. Unfortunately, that’s not the case in all communities across Florida.
APPLE RESISTS THE FBI, Sets a Precedence for Self-Governance Mark Meckler March 14, 2016 Big Government, Featured, News With their refusal, Apple created a new precedence for self-governance. They did now cower or back down when challenged with this issue. Apple knows their constitutional rights, and understands the limits of the federal government. They have effectively proven that the federal government does not have control of the entire private sector -- as they like to assume.
Tennessee to Sue Federal Government over Refugees Mark Meckler February 29, 2016 Big Government, Featured, News 3 Comments The colors orange and white may come to mind when you think of Tennessee, but this week the Tennessee government is showing their true colors in an effort to protect their constitutional rights: red, white, and blue.
New Support in a New Year Mark Meckler December 28, 2015 Big Government, Featured, News With the coming of a new year, resolutions are on the forefront of many peoples' minds. But in this case, it's not a promise to go to the gym or do something new that is causing a stir. The new year brings with it the promise of hope -- hope for a Convention of States in 2016.
FBI Comes Down Harder on Hillary Clinton Mark Meckler November 16, 2015 Big Government, Corruption, Featured, News As Hillary Clinton's campaign intensifies, the investigation of her casual disregard of national security deepens as well.
Government Overreach Strikes Again: The FEC Recommends Cracking Down On Bloggers Mark Meckler February 14, 2015 Big Government, Engaged Citizens, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News In response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in last year’s McCutcheon v. FEC, the FEC is now furiously trying to stifle speech in other...
Big Government Restrictions on Religious Freedom Keep Losing in Supreme Court Mark Meckler February 2, 2015 Big Government, Featured, News, Shared Values The Supreme Court has decided in favor of religious liberty in several headliner cases in recent months — starting with Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and...
“A Time for Choosing”: Ronald Reagan’s Self-Governance Speech Mark Meckler October 29, 2014 Big Government, Convention of States, Dispersed Power, Featured, News, Shared Values 2 Comments Fifty years ago, Ronald Reagan was only the name of an actor past his prime. Then he gave what is called “The Speech.” The Presidential...
Bobby Jindal Sues: Common Core Violated States’ Rights Mark Meckler October 13, 2014 Common Core, Featured, News The educational value of adopting Common Core standards has sparked debate among educators and parents across the nation. Louisiana Governor Bobby...
California Laws Restrict Groundwater Use on Private Land Mark Meckler September 24, 2014 Big Government, Featured, Lawmaker Lunacy, News 11 Comments “With the stroke of his pen, the Governor changed over 100 years of water laws – without the people’s input. This is not the democracy...