Biden’s UN Nap Is the Perfect Picture of His Presidency Mark Meckler November 2, 2021 Mark Meckler, News Joe Biden was roundly mocked on social media this week when video emerged of him falling asleep during a speech at the United Nations Climate Change Conference.
Empathy Is Not Leadership Jakob Fay September 10, 2021 Learn, News Empathy is great, but it can't replace actual leadership skills. Someone should tell President Joe Biden.
Deconstructing Biden’s Latest Cowardly, Asinine Speech Mark Meckler August 27, 2021 Barf Bag, Mark Meckler, News Biden’s blame-shifting wasn’t the only cowardly, asinine part of yesterday’s speech. He also lied about the relationship between the Taliban and ISIS, described the American deaths as part of the “design,” and used the speech as an opportunity for a victory lap.
I’m Not Afraid to Say It: Joe Biden is Evil Mark Meckler August 27, 2021 Mark Meckler, News The Taliban are truly evil, and if that’s the case, those who aid and abet them are evil as well. Which brings me to Joe Biden.
We Have a Clear Duty to Help the Afghanistan Resistance Mark Meckler August 25, 2021 Mark Meckler, News President Joe Biden is determined to do everything in Afghanistan as stupidly as possible. The way he left the country was stupid. The way he let the Taliban take over Kabul was stupid, and the way he blamed the Afghan army was stupid.
Americans Not Buying Biden’s Afghanistan Lies Mark Meckler August 21, 2021 Barf Bag, Mark Meckler, News It's not overstating things to say that the nation's 46th commander in chief's handling of the situation in Afghanistan may be the worst foreign policy debacle of the last 100 years.