Last September, a gay journalist wrote a piece covering Milo Yiannopoulos for Out magazine that was very well-rounded and not overly critical of the outspoken conservative and for that, the writer was immediately kicked out of the liberal bubble. In the months that followed, Chadwick Moore experienced hate on a new level. Not by his opponents, but by his friends. Because he did a “neutral piece” on Yiannopoulos, Moore said he was inundated with death threats, hatred, and slander from every angle by so-called tolerant progressives. He described the type of hate mail he was receiving in The New York Post: Most disconcertingly, it wasn’t just strangers voicing radical discontent. Personal friends of mine — men in their 60s who had been my longtime mentors — were coming at me. They wrote on Facebook that the story was “irresponsible” and “dangerous.” A dozen or so people unfriended me. A petition was circulated online, condemning the magazine and my article. All I had done was write a balanced story on an outspoken Trump supporter for a liberal, gay magazine, and now I was being attacked. I felt alienated and frightened. Even when he made visits to his favorite bar, the people who used to greet him with a kiss now turned the other way and shot dirty looks. “Frostiness spread far beyond the bar, too,” he wrote. “My best friend, with whom I typically hung out multiple times per week, was suddenly perpetually unavailable. Finally, on Christmas Eve, he sent me a long text, calling me a monster, asking where my heart and soul went, and saying that all our other friends are laughing at me.” That’s when Moore made a sudden discovery: “I realized that, for the first time in my adult life, I was outside of the liberal bubble and looking in. What I saw was ugly, lock step, incurious and mean-spirited.” It was at that point that Moore began to see that liberalism isn’t the haven of tolerance it’s touted to be and when he finally got tired of being labeled a “traitor,” he realized he had to come out of another closet: When I was growing up in the Midwest, coming out to my family at the age of 15 was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Today, it’s just as nerve-wracking coming out to all of New York as a conservative. But, like when I was 15, it’s also weirdly exciting. Moore says he made the switch after talking with Trump supporters and finding them able to engage in “civil discussions” even if he didn’t agree with everything the president is doing. “I finally had to admit to myself that I am closer to the right than where the left is today. And, yes, just three months ago, I voted for Hillary Clinton,” Moore said. Though coming out as a gay conservative has cost him many friendships, Moore says his relationship with his father has vastly improved: He’s a Republican and a farmer in Iowa, and for years we just didn’t have very much to talk about. But after Trump’s inauguration, we chatted for two hours, bonding over the ridiculousness of lefties. But we also got serious: He told me that he is proud of my writing, and I opened up about my personal life in a way I never had before to him. And guess what Moore thinks of Ann Coulter, now? A year ago, he loathed her, but today, he’s “come around” and now finds her “smart and funny and not a totally hateful, self-righteous bigot.” Moore found out the hard way that liberals aren’t as open minded as they claim. They will accept any identity you can come up with as long as it isn’t conservative: I hope to find out that it pays to keep an open mind. And I hope that New Yorkers can be as open-minded and accepting of my new status as a conservative man as they’ve been about my sexual orientation. Click CONTINUE to see Moore on Fox News with Tucker Carlson: Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:5 + four = Δ