About a week and a half ago, people in the dusty oil town of Midland, Texas began noticing something odd. Vehicles filled with Chinese people wearing masks were distributing literature around town. Over the weekend, neighbors in the Polo Park area of town started posting on social media that they had seen the same phenomenon. Then on Sunday, members of Northwestern Baptist church saw people coming down Mockingbird Lane, distributing literature with Chinese symbols on it. What was going on? Midland’s most famous historical residents are George Herbert Walker and Barbara Bush, which means the police have — presumably — seen a great deal of political intrigue surrounding the hometown of this former “First Family.” But on Monday morning, they probably did not expect to have to deal with over a hundred Chinese protesters surrounding a house so that the residents inside could not leave to let their children go to school. The house belongs to Bob Fu. Bob Fu was born in Shandong in 1968 and attended the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests as a college student. Later, he converted to Christianity after someone handed him a religious book, which he read and believed. For a while in China, he taught communist officials during the day and led the house church movement secretly at night. (His memoir is, consequently, titled “God’s Double Agent” which details his harrowing escape.) He kept one step ahead of the authorities until he and his wife were arrested and put in prison. After they were freed, Bob’s wife got pregnant without obtaining the proper government permits. Communist officials attempted to track them down in order to eliminate the baby. 1996, Bob and Heidi Fu emigrated to Hong Kong and then the United States. Fu founded the China Aid Association which he moved to Midland, Texas in 2004. Since then, Fu has developed a reputation for being — as the Wall Street Journal called him — the pastor of China’s underground railroad. Famously, he helped liberate barefoot lawyer Chen Guangcheng (who spoke at this year’s GOP convention on behalf of President Donald Trump) from his political imprisonment. Fu regularly appears at Congressional hearings to speak of religious persecution in China and was invited to the White House in 2008 to brief President George W. Bush. In August of 2019, he went to the White House again and met with Vice President Pence. Now, however, a man who claims to also be Chinese political dissident is attacking Bob on American soil. Billionaire Guo Wengui (alias Miles Kwok) fled from the communist country in 2014 and lives on 5th Avenue in Manhattan. He claims to be anti-Communist and has relationships with people who have been close to President Trump, including Steve Bannon. When the former head of Breitbart News and former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was arrested aboard Guo’s yacht for allegedly defrauding donors who sought to build a border wall, he was on Guo’s yacht. From his perch above one of America’s most expensive cities, Guo spreads false information and incites violence towards various dissidents and human rights activists who fled to America from China. You wouldn’t know it from some of the press he has been receiving. BuzzFeed reported conservative news outlet TheFree Beacon covered Guo on their digital pages, before it was revealed the writer — Bill Gertz — was secretly being paid by Guo. Though Gertz was fired from his job there, he now writes for the conservative Washington Times as national security correspondent where he specializes in writing about China. Also, the New York Post published a glamorous article on Guo, focusing on his wealth. However, there’s now video evidence to prove that Guo is not the political dissident from China he’s been pretending to be. In this video, Guo pledges his allegiance to and praises President Xi Jinping. In this video, he threatens Chinese political dissidents’ very lives. “We will send at least 100 to 200 comrades to your house tomorrow. We will see how much power you have in the U.S,” he said on YouTube September 27th, sending a message to Fu. The next day, Chinese agitators were outside his Texas home intimidating his wife and kids. (The translation in this video has been verified by several sources, including the Family Research Council.) This was posted while Fu was away from home in Washington, D.C. preaching at The Return, at which President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Rev. Franklin Graham, and many others prayed. Fu went to the podium to pray after receiving the news that people had come to his house to protest, and accusing him of being an agent of the CCP, among other things.. “I especially pray for Xi Jinping’s repentance and the collapse of the CCP. May God grant stamina and courage to those who are imprisoned for the sake of righteousness in China.” Police were able to eventually disperse the protestors, some of which were brandishing signs stating, “Bob Fu started COVID-19.” But Guo was not done. “I want to thank again, from here, those comrades who fight in the frontlines of Canada, Los Angeles, Taiwan, Japan, New Zealand, and Eastern U.S., to kill those evil cheaters,” said Guo in another YouTube clip uploaded on September 27th. In it he calls for the murder of several Chinese dissidents, including Fu, and some leaders who had protested at Tiananmen Square. This weekend, it seems that the people who are followers of Guo and who do his bidding, decided to make good on the threat. Midlanders were apparently confused when they saw Chinese people wearing masks and speaking in Mandarin driving around distributing anti-Fu literature. On Monday morning, when Bob was away due to a speaking engagement at a UN Human Rights Council, he was alerted that 17 communist protesters stood in front of his house again, blocking the exit so his children could not go to school. That number grew to over a hundred within a few hours. The Midland police went to the house and arrested at least one protestor. Then, the mayor of Midland, Patrick Payton held a press conference to explain the situation to the city. “Communists agitators have been making threats – not veiled threats – against Bob Fu and his family,” he said. He went on to describe how these agitators are falsely claiming that Bob is a secret communist agent, characterizing the accusations as “utter foolishness.” Sarcastically, Mayor Payton explained that these critics have accused Bob of being a highly ranked, powerful communist leader. As such, the mayor said, Bob demands that certain political prisoners be freed from prison. He then took his time reading off a list of people who are wrongly imprisoned in China who should be immediately released. Of course, this was sarcastic, because the mayor — as well as the communists who undoubtedly were listening to this press conference — know that Bob is a political refugee from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), not one of its leaders. “Midlanders don’t do well — or put up well — with people who make threats, literally terrorist threats, against our citizens,” continued the mayor. “This is not something we expected to happen in Midland, Texas.” However he was undaunted. “Midlanders are slow to join a fight but when we’re picked on long enough, we’ll join a fight,” he said. “This is the lot we’ve got, and we’re going to do our best to protect our city.” The mayor is cooperating with federal authorities on the matter and has vowed to keep Fu’s family safe. It is great to see American authorities protecting Fu and seeking to hold accountable, those who threaten to do him harm. Many questions have yet to be answered. The mayor said that the “agitators” were from out of town, and that they all stayed together the night before going to Fu’s house. Who sent them? Who paid for their travel and hotel rooms? Who arranged for their transportation? Mayor Payton and Fu believe Guo is behind all of this intimidation, that these agitators arrived in Midland to follow out the orders in his public, threatening videos. If Guo is responsible – and presumably working on behalf of the CCP to harass, intimidate and threaten U.S. citizens — why is he being allowed to freely do these things on U.S. soil? Why are videos containing direct threats against American citizens allowed to remain up on social media platforms? And how does this fit into the larger pattern of hostility by the CCP against the United States? Is this potentially related to the recent closing by President Trump of the Chinese Consulate in Houston? Let’s hope federal authorities act quickly to answer these questions, and bring justice to those seeking to harm Fu and other American citizens. Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:eleven − eleven = Δ