Last week, CNN tweeted out an article updating women of the American Cancer Society’s change in suggested cervical cancer screenings. Harmless enough, right? “Individuals with a cervix are now recommended to start cervical cancers screening at 25 and continue through age 65, with HPV testing every five years as the preferred method of testing, according to new guidelines released by the American Cancer Society,” CNN Tweeted. Individuals with a cervix? I guess nowadays it isn’t politically correct to recognize gender exists. How can the left back a women’s rights movement and simultaneously pretend gender is a figment of our imaginations? CNN’s rhetoric was consistent with the American Cancer Society’s, who advised screening for “people with a cervix.” Fox News Reported: CNN’s story on the guideline touched on an already-raging debate surrounding the biological basis for gender. Earlier this month, Pink News touted a U.K. cancer charity that pushed back on what the outlet described as the “disgustingly transphobic lie” that only females get cervical cancer. This extreme disrespect of women garnered heavy criticism from Twitter users. Peter Whittle, a politician from the UK Tweeted, “Women. They are women. And, @CNN , just because you self-identify as a news channel doesn’t make you one.” “How do I find out if I have a cervix?” Stephen Pollard of The Jewish Chronicle Tweeted. “Do I need a scan? Or is there some sort of general concept that identified individuals with a cervix?” Describing women by their body is objectifying and dehumanizing. When was the last time you heard a man referred to as, “an individual with testicles?” On Friday, CNN’s head of strategic communications, Matt Dornic doubled down on the phrasing. He tweeted, “Imagine feeling so threatened by inclusivity that you’re compelled to write a story bashing another organization for practicing it.” Um… They’re not practicing “inclusivity,” they are being stupid. Imagine being so threatened by biology that you’re compelled to tweet as if it doesn’t exist? Hat Tip: Daily Mail and Fox News Image Credit: Flickr Ken Lund Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:three × two = Δ