If Congress Can Demand Tax Returns to Get Trump, Expect Them to Weaponize That Power Mark Meckler February 12, 2019 Uncategorized Liberals have been wringing their hands since the 2016 Presidential campaign over President Donald Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns. Now, the Democrats in Congress want to use a 1924 law to...
Store Clerk Freaks Out Over Customer Wearing Trump Gear, Promptly Gets Fired Mark Meckler December 31, 2018 Uncategorized A vape store clerk was not happy when a man wearing a pro-Trump hat and shirt walked into the store. And by "not happy" I mean he absolutely freaked out. Ian Furgeson was attempting to buy some vape...
Chick-Fil-A Can’t Open on a College Campus because the Owners are Christian Mark Meckler November 27, 2018 Uncategorized Students at Rider University, a private university in New Jersey, were recently given a survey of possible new dining options for their meal plan. In the past, the survey included Chick-Fil-A, the fast...
Protesters Outside Tucker Carlson’s Home: ‘We Know Where You Sleep at Night’ Mark Meckler November 8, 2018 Uncategorized Courtesy of Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder (among others) who have specifically encouraged this sort of behavior... I bring you the sickness of the left on full...
Trick or Treat: Republican Mark Sanford Guarantees the Kids in His Neighborhood Will Become Liberals Mark Meckler October 31, 2018 Big Government, Featured, News, Uncategorized Outgoing South Carolina Rep. Mark Sanford seems hellbent on turning all of the kids in his neighborhood into raving liberals. Need proof? On his porch, he has a basket full of pocket Constitutions...
Minneapolis Cops Won’t Investigate Keith Ellison Abuse Allegations Mark Meckler October 4, 2018 Uncategorized As you may not have heard, with all the hysteria over "women's rights" and #BelieveWomen, an ex-girlfriend of Rep. Keith Ellison claimed that when she dated Ellison in 2016, he dragged her off a bed by...
Male Fury and Fear Rises (with Good Reason) in Response to Kavanaugh’s Treatment Mark Meckler October 2, 2018 Uncategorized When the ultimate target for derision and destruction is the white male -- especially older, unemasculated white males -- things are not going to turn out well. Per the Washington Post: The sexual...
‘Jack In The Box’ Upsets #MeToo Champions Because They Are Humorless Prudes Mark Meckler August 8, 2018 Uncategorized It must be tiring to be perpetually outraged over every little thing, but the left is indefatigable. Their fury was recently targeted at the restaurant chain "Jack in the Box," because of a new ad called...
University Event Aims to Combat ‘Christian Privilege’ Mark Meckler April 3, 2018 Uncategorized George Washington University recently announced it will host a training session for students and faculty about Christian privilege. And when I say "about," I actually mean...
University Wants Male Students to Confess their Sins of ‘Masculinity’ Mark Meckler August 17, 2017 Uncategorized Masculinity is now a sin, according to the fascists at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada who are prompting male students to confess their toxic manhood....