Life Changes. Be Ready! Mark Meckler October 22, 2013 Convention of States, U.S. Constitution Citizens for Self-Governance Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies and the head of the Convention of States Project, Michael Farris, will be a keynote speaker at the upcoming Life Changes. Be Ready!...
America’s Coming Surveillance Society Mark Meckler March 18, 2013 U.S. Constitution America’s Coming Surveillance Society By Marta H. Mossburg Kentucky Senator Rand Paul last week filibustered the confirmation of John Brennan for Central Intelligence Agency director over the fine points...
Barack Obama ‘has authority to use drone strikes to kill Americans on US soil’ Mark Meckler March 7, 2013 U.S. Constitution 1 Comment Due process? The Constitution? What Constitution? The President and his Attorney General have united civil libertarians on both the left and the right with their outrageous proposition that the President...
A Government Run Amok – Constitution and Framers be Damned Mark Meckler January 8, 2013 U.S. Constitution We have drifted far from the Constitutional bedrock provided by the Framers for what they believed would be a a long lasting, stable and prosperous nation. Recently, Georgetown Law Center professor Louis...
Our Representatives Have an Obligation to Know the Constitution Mark Meckler November 16, 2012 Lawmaker Lunacy, U.S. Constitution it really that much to ask? It seems like basic knowledge of the Constitution and how it constrains their actions should be a prerequisite to service in Congress. Is that off base? Nancy...