Victory in Virginia Mark Meckler February 3, 2014 Convention of States The following is a note from Rita Dunaway, one of the staff counsels for the Convention of States Project: The cause advances in the Commonwealth of Virginia! The Convention of States Resolution, sponsored in Virginia by Delegate Scott Lingamfelter,...
Interactive Webinar Series – Article V: The Real Deal Mark Meckler January 29, 2014 Convention of States Hi, Folks! My name is Jim Kinney. I have recently begun working as the Executive Director for the Convention of States Project, and I have some great news. The COS Project is about to begin a brand new series of free, interactive "Tele-Townhalls"...
Joe Wolverton and the JBS – LOL Mark Meckler January 17, 2014 Convention of States LOL. Other than that, I'm not sure what else to say about the bizarre and irrational ramblings of Joe Wolverton, "J.D." of the John Birch Society attempting to demean the fantastic, conservative patriots fighting for an Article V Convention to limit...
Answering the Most Important Questions Mark Meckler December 31, 2013 Convention of States The following is from an email exchange between Michael Farris and a state representative. Thanks so much for your kind letter. I am happy to answer your questions. Your first question: 1. "My greatest concern is that so few public officials seem...
Meckler on Beck: “Could a COS Occur as Early as 2016?” Mark Meckler December 19, 2013 Convention of States Mark Meckler appeared on Glenn Beck’s television show last night to talk about the Convention of States Project! It was a great opportunity to spread the word about the Project, and they had a great conversation. Here are the highlights: “Under...
Desperation Tactics Mark Meckler December 11, 2013 Convention of States Yesterday I received several emails from friends and colleagues who have been contacted by the Eagle Forum including the most recent communication from that organization entitled “ Take Action.” I take umbrage with what was portrayed in that...
The Convention of States Project Gets a Shot in the Arm at ALEC Mark Meckler December 9, 2013 Convention of States, U.S. Constitution Nancy, thank you for posting the WashPo article below about our time at The American Legislative Exchange Council in Washington D.C. this week. I wish you all could’ve been there! To kick off the event, The Convention of States Project hosted the...
A Convention of States is Not a Constitutional Convention Mark Meckler October 30, 2013 Convention of States 1 Comment This past weekend I ran across an article in the The Telegraph, Middle Georgia's News Source entitled A Convention of States is not a Constitutional Convention. I was very impressed by the the ability of the author, Paul Boland, to cut to the chase about...
Life Changes. Be Ready! Mark Meckler October 22, 2013 Convention of States, U.S. Constitution Citizens for Self-Governance Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies and the head of the Convention of States Project, Michael Farris, will be a keynote speaker at the upcoming Life Changes. Be Ready! Preparedness and Gun Expo. Professor Farris' speech,...
Liberal Elitists are no Better than Conservative Elitists Mark Meckler October 14, 2013 Convention of States Paul Freund, who served the FDR administration in a variety of positions, was one of his era’s most famous professors of Constitutional Law at Harvard. He was also my professor when he spent a semester as a visiting professor at Gonzaga Law School. One day...