What the 2014 Election Results Mean for Self-Governance Mark Meckler November 5, 2014 Convention of States, Featured, Incumbent Accountability, News No doubt you are already aware the Republicans gained control of the U.S. Senate last night, securing at least 52 of 100 Senate seats. What do last night's results mean for the self-governance movement? Here's a full rundown of the election results and the...
“A Time for Choosing”: Ronald Reagan’s Self-Governance Speech Mark Meckler October 29, 2014 Big Government, Convention of States, Dispersed Power, Featured, News, Shared Values 2 Comments Fifty years ago, Ronald Reagan was only the name of an actor past his prime. Then he gave what is called “The Speech.” The Presidential election of 1964 was winding down, and Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater was 35 points behind incumbent Lyndon B....
A C-Minus Government Calls for a Convention of States Mark Meckler October 24, 2014 Convention of States, Featured, Incumbent Accountability, News Americans aren’t too impressed with the performance of their government. A fresh poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal reveals how voters grade elected officials: a C-minus, or a 2.1 GPA. Individual politicians and parties scored even...
Videos: Mark Meckler at Life, Liberty and Property Summit Mark Meckler October 22, 2014 Big Government, Convention of States, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News On October 4th, Mark Meckler spoke at the Life, Liberty and Property Summit hosted by the Missouri Alliance for Freedom. He shared about the Convention of States Project and the encouraging progress he's seen as he travels across the United States. If you...
Tom Coburn Fights Federal Overreach Even in Retirement Mark Meckler September 8, 2014 Big Government, Convention of States, News Sen. Tom Coburn recently announced he would launch an effort to call a Convention of States after he retires from the Senate in a few months. The article in The Hill – called “Let’s Change the Constitution” — described the process: Article V of...
Bi-Partisan Committees Discuss Protocols for Inevitable Article V Convention Mark Meckler June 23, 2014 Convention of States, News, Shared Values, U.S. Constitution An Article V convention, also known as the Convention of States, has quietly become a political inevitability, as state legislators all over the nation consider how to rein in the federal government’s unprecedented overreach and abuse. The Founding Fathers...
Sarah Palin: Elect Candidates Who Support “Convention of States” Mark Meckler April 12, 2014 Convention of States, Featured, News, Uncategorized Sarah Palin encourages voters to election representatives who support a Convention of States!
Mark Meckler on Convention of States, Faith Journey at Patrick Henry College Mark Meckler April 10, 2014 Convention of States, Mark's Commentaries, News, Tea Party Mark talks candidly about the Convention of States project, how he first got involved in the Tea Party movement, and shares a little about his own faith journey.
I Am Not Afraid – Mark Meckler at Article V Symposium Mark Meckler April 8, 2014 Convention of States, Engaged Citizens, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News, U.S. Constitution Mark Meckler appeared at the Article V Symposium in Denver, Colorado, last week to discuss the importance of using a Convention of States to halt the abuses of Washington, D.C. In a 9-minute address, Mark described why our country needs a Convention of States and responded to the fears of naysayers.
Article V: An Emergency Solution, Hidden in Plain Sight Mark Meckler February 12, 2014 Convention of States, News Some people don’t believe it. In school, we were taught, along with reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmatic, how the Constitution is amended: an amendment must go before both houses of Congress and pass a two-thirds vote. Before it becomes a permanent...