Mark Meckler appeared at the Article V Symposium in Denver, Colorado, last week to discuss the importance of using a Convention of States to halt the abuses of Washington, D.C. In a 9-minute address, Mark described why our country needs a Convention of States and responded to the fears of naysayers with arguments like these: “Are we so naive to believe that a Congress and a government that has grown tyrannical would propose such amendments as would restrain its own tyranny?” “In every crisis that we’ve ever faced, the only thing to save the nation has been the American people, and they are the only thing that ever will save this nation.” “You have your choice: You can cower in the corner in fear while we lose our nation, or you can stand and fight with us as the sovereign citizens that intend to make this country what it was always intended to be.” Watch Mark’s entire riveting address here: Photo Credit: Erika J Mitchell / Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:4 × 1 = Δ