You’ve probably heard of this? Leading “establishment” conservatives are meeting behind closed doors to plot a scheme to steal the election from the probable nominee, Donald Trump. Politico reports that a possible third party candidate – Mitt Romney? – might appear in the fall to upset the apple cart. But the “establishment” of the GOP has one – and only one – honorable option to “dump Trump.” His name is Ted Cruz I neither endorse Cruz or the idea that it’s best to “dump Trump.” As the co-founder of Tea Party Patriots and Citizens for Self-Governance, I endorse the will of the American people — not the so-called political elite. The establishment acts as if the last two elections didn’t happen. Collectively, they have amnesia about the role they played in bringing Barack Obama upon this country. These are the same people who gave us John Boehner and Eric Cantor — and learned nothing when they were unceremoniously deposed. These are the same people who have presided over an ever-increasing long-term debt, and who are getting enormously rich in Washington, DC, while the grassroots of this country suffer. Read the rest at the Daily Caller here. Photo Credit: a katz / 2 Responses Joyce March 26, 2016 Do you suppose it has anything to do with Donald Trump saying he wants to curb the lobbyists who enrich the establishment and elite or big business who get’s rich on illegals? Follow the money! Reply john g berner March 26, 2016 Your organization could do the U S a great favor by getting a law passed that says contributions to a candidates election campaign funding can only be made by citizens eligible to vote for that politician and only from his own wealth. John G Berner Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:three × one = Δ
Joyce March 26, 2016 Do you suppose it has anything to do with Donald Trump saying he wants to curb the lobbyists who enrich the establishment and elite or big business who get’s rich on illegals? Follow the money! Reply
john g berner March 26, 2016 Your organization could do the U S a great favor by getting a law passed that says contributions to a candidates election campaign funding can only be made by citizens eligible to vote for that politician and only from his own wealth. John G Berner Reply