Mark Meckler on Fox News: 24,000 Lost IRS Emails Mark Meckler June 30, 2015 Big Government, Corruption, Featured, IRS Lawsuit, Mark's Commentaries, News, Scandals Mark Meckler appeared on Fox News recently to discuss how the IRS could "lose" 24,000 emails that pertain to that agency's targeting of conservative...
Maybe China Could Find Lois Lerner and Hillary Clinton’s Emails? Mark Meckler June 26, 2015 Corruption, Featured, Incumbent Accountability, IRS Lawsuit, News Maybe it’s time to sub-contract a few internal investigations out to foreign hackers. They’ve made more progress with government records in the...
More IRS Smoking Gun Emails Mark Meckler April 22, 2015 Big Government, Corruption, Featured, IRS Lawsuit, News, Scandals As the tedious process of sorting through three years’ worth of IRS emails continues, more evidence mounts showing how far-reaching and deliberate...
The Clintons Have Always Been about Pay to Play Mark Meckler March 25, 2015 Corruption, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News, Scandals On the campaign trail in 2008, then-Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were in a cycle of one-upping each other on their transparency in...
The IRS Is Ready to Move On, But the American People Are Not Mark Meckler July 15, 2014 Corruption, IRS Lawsuit, Mark's Commentaries, News, Scandals Ever since the IRS scandal broke, the agency’s defenders have been saying it’s over. President Obama denied a “smidgen” of corruption. Elijah...