Want to be sick to your stomach? Last night, Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz was dining with his wife in a Washington D.C. restaurant when protesters arrived, surrounded their table, and started chanting “We believe survivors.” That, of course, is a reference to the allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Another protestor screamed, “Vote no on Kavanaugh!” and then, “Cancel Kavanaugh for women’s rights.” Finally, a restaurant employee asked the the protesters to leave, citing the fact that the area was “private.” A couple of videos were posted to social media of the encounter, according to the Daily Wire: One video shows a protester confronting Sen. Cruz and his wife as they entered the restaurant. Sen. Cruz tells the woman “God bless you” before attempting to take a seat at a table. After the protesters surround the table, Sen. Cruz tells Mrs. Cruz, “Let’s go ahead and go” and puts on his jacket to leave. Watch this below: BREAKING. Activists just chased @TedCruz out of a fancy Washington DC restaurant, chanting “We Believe Survivors!” Cruz has been friends with creep Kavanaugh for 20 years. Now Cruz is on judiciary committee hearing his testimony. Fascists not welcome! #CancelKavanugh pic.twitter.com/7mx6Tc32za — Smash Racism DC (@SmashRacismDC) September 25, 2018 Is this really the sort of world these people want to live in? I certainly don’t. Hat Tip: Daily Caller Image Credit: MaxPexel Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:five + twelve = Δ