Evidence continues to be uncovered in the IRS targeting scandal, and this time, Elijah Cummings is in the hot seat. Newly released emails show that the IRS shared confidential documents about a targeted group with Democratic staff on the House Oversight Committee. True the Vote is a conservative group dedicated to restoring American faith in the election system. They train volunteers to monitor polling places for fraud and seek to ensure fair elections – a crucial contribution to our American system of government. But the IRS selected True the Vote for extra scrutiny and demanded excess information from the group. When Cummings took an interest in their volunteer training and activities, the IRS provided him with information. As the ranking Oversight Democrat (D., Md.), Cummings absolutely denied any such thing earlier this year. Now the evidence is out. He can’t deny it anymore. Could this be a reason he’s so vigorously opposed the investigation into the IRS scandal to this point? The Oversight committee is demanding a full explanation for his activities. You won’t be surprised that Lois Lerner’s name also came up in relevant emails. Yet more evidence of the level to which American citizens’ rights were violated – and we continue to see signs of more to come. Read more and see copies of emails and letters here.