Florida is one of the most racially diverse states in the Union. Hundreds of thousands of Americans migrate there every year. Last year alone, the state welcomed a record-breaking 137.6 million tourists. But according to the far-left “Mother Jones,” “If you’re a minority planning a trip to the “Sunshine State,” you might want to reconsider.”As if warning against traveling to some terrorist hotspot, warzone, or crime-ridden hellhole, the NAACP has issued a “Travel Advisory for the State of Florida,” warning about the alleged dangers posed to minorities by Gov. Ron DeSantis’s “Oasis of Freedom.”“Under its current Governor, the State of Florida has engaged in an all-out attack on Black Americans, accurate Black history, voting rights, members of the LGBTQ+community, immigrants, women’s reproductive rights, and free speech, while simultaneously embracing a culture of fear, bullying, and intimidation by public officials,” the advisory alleged. “In his effort to rewrite American history to exclude the voices, contributions of African Americans and the challenges they overcame despite the systemic racism that African Americans have faced since first arriving in this country, Governor DeSantis has signed various controversial anti-civil rights measures into law….” Of course, the very first sensationalized sentence discounts the entire report. “Florida has engaged in an all-out attack on Black Americans….” Seriously? Where’s the proof?Yes, Florida is “anti-woke” (which, by the way, Floridians seem to love), but “an all-out attack on Black Americans” is deceptively hyperbolic, deeply irresponsible language and the NAACP knows it. It’s yet another insidious attempt to redefine “racism.” SEE ALSO: CNN invents new ‘insidious’ form of racism “Please be advised,” the statement continued, “that Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals. Before traveling to Florida, please understand that the State of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of and the challenges faced by African Americans and other minorities.”The organization then outlines 11 recommended precautions for anyone who, against their better judgment, elects to dare the perils of what might as well be Jim Crow-Era Alabama.Interestingly, the purportedly “anti-civil rights” legislation includes the Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act. This bill criminalized (or increased the punishment for) violent assemblies, looting, toppling monuments, and striking law enforcement officers. Notably, the NAACP doesn’t try to defend violence against police or looting. But somehow, being opposed to these crimes is akin to “an all-out attack on Black Americans.”The organization also cites Florida’s recent Constitutional Carry legislation as proof of the state’s ostensibly terrible racism problem. But again, they conveniently fail to explain how concealed carry without a government-issued permit constitutes open hostility toward minorities. In other words, the NAACP has no proof to back its absurd claims at all. All they can say is that DeSantis is anti-forced diversity, therefore, he must be anti-black people. It’s a terribly illogical argument, but it’s the best they got. SEE ALSO: Florida Champions Common Sense, Refuses to Cave to Pressure Further undermining their case is the fact that DeSantis was reelected just last November in a historic landslide. It seems that if the people of Florida were really so oppressed by their George Wallace-esque governor, they would have kicked him to the curb in a heartbeat. Instead, they reaffirmed his mission overwhelmingly. Truth be told, the “Travel Advisory for Florida” is nothing more than another left-wing attempt to cow Americans out of reacting to the radical failures of the woke left. They’re trying to scare you out of an oasis and back into their true despotism. Luckily, if the ongoing exodus into—not out of of—the Sunshine State is any indicator, the American people aren’t falling for it.Jakob Fay is a staff writer for the Convention of States Project, a project of Citizens for Self-Governance.