Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea have new book out called, “The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience” in which they “share the stories of the brave women who have inspired them—women with the courage to stand up to the status quo, ask hard questions, and get the job done.”

Hillary has obviously accomplished a great deal.  She was First Lady of the United States, a United States senator, the 67th Secretary of State, and the first woman in American history to become the presidential nominee of a major political party.   Chelsea seems to be doing well as an advocate and an adjunct assistant professor at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

Mysteriously, these accomplished women didn’t include Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s first female prime minister, in their book.  When asked about this omission, Hillary said she didn’t believe Thatcher actually “knocked down barriers for others.” 

IJR reports:

Clinton added that she had “a lot of understanding” of what it took to become Britain’s first female prime minister and saw her as a strong leader.

But as they examined, “What were the positive differences, the changes this person made that really opened the doors to more?” they couldn’t find positive differences Thatcher made for women, “That wasn’t that apparent.”

Clinton added that she felt Thatcher had “little interest” in promoting women.

Well, there you have it.  Jonah Goldberg helpfully translated this comment for America.  “One of the gutsiest politicians, male or female, of last 50 years doesn’t qualify as a woman and/or gutsy because she didn’t check ideological boxes Clinton thinks are more important,” he tweeted.

Exactly.  But here’s a better question.

Why is Hillary assuming that Thatcher was a woman?  Why did she assume any of the people included in her book were women?  Hasn’t she gotten the message that gender can not be assumed?

Of course, I know this is silly.  Democrats only pull the “gender card” when they are trying to achieve a “gotcha” moment against Republicans.  No one really believes that men and women are the same, except the lunatic fringe of society.

The true explanation is probably pretty simple.  Hillary can’t bring herself to honor a woman who – unlike her — actually managed to win a national election.

Image Credit: Wikimedia

Hat Tip: IJR

About The Author

Mark was a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, and served as the national coordinator. He left the organization to work more broadly on expanding the self-governance movement beyond the partisan divide. Mark appears regularly on television in outlets as diverse as MSNBC, ABC, NBC, Fox News, CNN, Bloomberg, Fox Business and the BBC. He’s highly sought after for the tea party perspective from print and electronic media outlets, from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, L.A. Times, Washington Examiner, Politico and the The Hill. Mark blogs at MarkMeckler.com, and his opinion editorials regularly run in many of the leading political newspapers both on and offline. Mark has a BA in English from San Diego State University and graduated with honors from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law in 1988. He practiced real estate and business law for almost a decade. For the last eleven years of his legal career he specialized in Internet advertising law. When not fighting for the future of our nation, Mark is an avid horseman, and lives in rural northern California with his wife Patty and two children.

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