Ever hear “from the mouths of babes?” Well, I’m not sure if a 14-year-old can still be considered a baby, but there’s much wisdom in this piece by a young man from Macon, Georiga. In The Telegraph, Josh Barker assesses the biggest issues in our nation: There are four big crises that our country is facing that could potentially bring us down, one of which have already been mentioned, the spending and debt crisis. The other three are the regulatory crisis, the congressional attacks on state sovereignty and the federal takeover of the decision-making process. After discussing the issues with Common Core and our growing government, this teenage patriot then provides a solution based on the Founding Fathers wisdom — A Convention of States: If we were to call for a Convention of the States, we could fix these problems. We could pass Constitutional Amendments at the convention, and then the state legislatures would ratify it. The organization Convention of States has a plan to help call a Convention of the States, fix this country and save our Constitution, “because sometimes what you need is not a change in personnel, you need a change in structure,” Dr. Michael Farris, who along with Mark Meckler co-founded the COS organization, said regarding the Convention of the States. The constitutional lawyer who has argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, seven U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal, and 10 state Supreme Courts agrees that it is time to take action and that structure really is key. “The Founders understood the importance of structure,” Farris said, “and they gave the power to the states to create a new set of rules when the federal government oversteps its boundaries. We need to re-calibrate the rules to take power away from Washington, D.C., and give it back to the people and to the states.” The organization is calling for state legislatures to pass a joint resolution to have a Convention of the States, not based on one particular amendment, but on a topic. The reason they are calling the convention is for the purpose of limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government. While they aren’t calling the convention officially for one amendment in particular, there are several amendments we can expect at a Convention of the States. Some possible amendments include a balanced budget amendment, reducing federal spending power, reducing the federal regulatory power, a prohibition of using international laws and treaties to govern domestic affairs in the United States, limiting executive orders and federal regulations to enact laws (because Congress is supposed to be the only branch passing laws), imposing checks and balances on the Supreme Court including term limits, and placing a limit on federal taxation. It is so inspiring to see a teenager taking a stand in defense of his rights. He understands the problems, but better yet — he knows how to impose a solution. Barker, thank you for promoting the education of who we are and what we stand for! Read the full post here. Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:4 × 1 = Δ