Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey into committed self-sacrifice and leadership? All around us, modern society breeds systemic self-centeredness and greed. We each are programmed, above all else, to seek our own selfish ambitions. Humility and self-sacrifice have fallen out of fashion. But what if, rather than living for ourselves, we dedicated our lives to humble service FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS? What if we broke the paradigm? That’s what Citizens for Self-Governance aims to accomplish by inverting our culture’s twisted pyramid scheme of self-absorption and pride. At the end of the day, America doesn’t need more politicians; we need more servant-leaders. Men and women who embody the spirit of the Good Samaritan. True public servants who dedicate themselves to the service of their nation and their neighbors. Our new-and-improved Servant Leadership course will provide you with the training and resources you need to become that kind of leader. Join a growing community of fellow patriots and experienced instructors as you delve into the timeless principles that made men like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln great. Learn how you can inspire people to follow you in the fight to save America. Learn more or sign up for a Servant Leadership class with Citizens for Self-Governance here. We look forward to welcoming you! Sign up here!