God is too insubordinate of human “authority” for secular, liberal humanists’ liking; therefore, they demanded that the Divine vacate heaven (and the hearts of men) and put in His sacred place an idol in their control: science. In reality, science is a servant and teacher. It teaches us about the ways of God, to whom it is subjected. Or, perhaps, more precisely, nature is our teacher. Science is often man’s best (but pitiful) attempt to control nature. But science is decidedly behind the times.In the past couple of years, especially since the onset of COVID, there has been a growing push to “follow the science,” as if it were our mystic guide who leads humanity from darkness to light. Many have noted that this push was almost religious in nature; fanatic in intensity. “God”—either government or COVID, it varied from day to day—might at any moment cut us down if we dared transgress the new cardinal rule of the science-faith.This “god” became increasingly demanding; and increasingly political. Fortunately, we eventually tired of obeying and launched a quiet rebellion—meaning we stopped wearing masks and obsessing over vaccination status. But that does not mean the age of scientific supremacy has ended. SEE ALSO: If science is your god, you chose a harsh master As far as the secular world is concerned, science still reigns supreme. In fact, they have become so confident in its infallibility, they have inserted the subtle but momentous modifier: “the”—we don’t just follow science; we follow the science. But as Peter Leithart pointed out: “Science is contested. There’s rarely any such thing as The Science. Even when there’s a consensus, it’s not permanent. Thomas Kuhn has been criticized, but his description of scientific change still rings true: “Normal science” is conducted under a reigning “paradigm,” and is often highly productive. Yet no paradigm encompasses all the data, and over time normal science generates anomalies that cannot be explained by current theory. Along comes a genius who proposes a new paradigm that comprehends the old paradigm, makes sense of the anomalies, and produces a new normal. Science is mutable by design [emphasis added].”In other words, science’s premier “priest,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, might one day say not to wear a mask, only to say the exact opposite the very next. Such is the nature not just of shoddy science but of all science. No matter how inarguable it may seem today, well… remember, we once convicted Galileo of heresy. Even God-fearing scientists can get “the” science wrong. Indeed, they often do. Why, then, do we prescribe God-like steadfastness to an ever-evolving, ever-shifting field of study? Well, if science is to take the place of God, it must be reliable, right? The masses won’t follow an unstable, inconsistent, teetering god. SEE ALSO: Reparations for all, justice for none This is also why “unapproved,” obverse narratives are mercilessly crushed. You cannot question vaccines; you cannot question the efficacy of masks. You cannot question anything until the Sacerdotal state permits you. They stringently enforce a front of self-assurance to hide that their god is terribly confused and insecure. For as long as we believe what they themselves do not believe, they can keep us in tow.By creating a substitute god, fully in their pocket, they can control us. The same spiritual instinct that drives us to the real God—the One who sets us free—might also drive us to the god who subjects us to the state. In fact, the state is banking on it.Science has failed us in several key ways. But most dangerous of all, we have asked of it something science never was intended to do: we have asked it to rule us. As writer Catie Robertson put it, there are certain questions that “transverse far beyond the dominion of scientific thought. It begs us to consider man as a body and a soul, a discussion for philosophers and theologians.” I may add that I am not content to stop at philosophers and theologians (although I certainly prefer their opinion over that of those who worship the state). I would like to take these questions—questions of how we are to live and order society—directly to God Himself, certainly not His would-be usurper.Jakob Fay is a staff writer for the Convention of States Project, a project of Citizens for Self-Governance.