Last week’s March for Life reminded the nation that we’re only one Supreme Court decision away from ending the scourge of Roe v. Wade. A favorable ruling for the pro-life side will allow states to ban abortion after conception, which will save the lives of millions upon millions of future Americans. Fearing this, one Oklahoma state Democrat introduced a bill last week that would force fathers to begin supporting their children and partners at conception rather than after the baby is born. Representative Forrest Bennett meant the bill as a way to “own” the pro-life side, but as he was reminded on Twitter, it was anything but. This week I filed HB3129, which codifies that a father’s financial responsibility to his baby & their mom begins at conception.If Oklahoma is going to restrict a woman’s right to choose, we sure better make sure the man involved can’t just walk away from his responsibility.— Forrest Bennett (@ForrestBennett) January 21, 2022 Here are a few of my favorite replies. Formerly known as marriage.— Katy Faust (@Advo_Katy) January 23, 2022 These are acceptable terms. And if you want to argue (whether through policy or the bully pulpit) that mom and dad should be married before bringing baby into the world, we’ll take that too 🤝.— Delano Squires (@DelanoSquires) January 22, 2022 So your bill admits that life does begin at conception, that men = biological men and it acknowledges that having a baby is a shared responsibility between a man and the woman who’s pregnant? Great work. We love it. This isn’t the own you think it is Forrest!— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) January 22, 2022 I know this is meant as a gotcha, but I don’t think you will get too many pro-life people objecting to this…— AG (@AGHamilton29) January 22, 2022 SEE ALSO: Merrick Garland’s Attack on Texas’ Abortion Law is Deceptive and Disgusting Just a few days later, Bennett announced in a 16-tweet threat that he was removing the bill from consideration. “I should’ve been more thoughtful & thorough in crafting this bill in the first place. It’s clear there are many unintended consequences, both from the language & design,” he said. Bennett’s misstep is obviously hilarious, and it shines a light on the Left’s hypocrisy when it comes to abortion. But it also highlights a deeper truth about the abortion debate that the Left really, really wants to ignore. Pro-baby-killing advocates often accuse the pro-life movement of caring about babies only before they’re born. Because people on the Right tend to oppose massive, corrupt government welfare programs, Democrats paint them as not caring about impoverished children and moms. That, of course, is hogwash. We do care about children and mothers. We just believe that fathers and families—not the government—should take care of them. SEE ALSO: Democrats Vote for Down Syndrome Abortion, School Closures, and Criminal Immigrants in Latest Vote-A-Rama We kill millions of babies every year because our culture has accepted the Left’s free sex ideology. The Left believes men and women should be free to sleep with whoever they want and not suffer negative consequences. That’s why they support abortion. Without abortion, women would be forced to carry and deliver children, which would, according to the Left, make them less free than men. Here’s a solution I and most conservatives would support: hold fathers accountable. Neither men nor women should be able to engage in consequence-free sex. Ban abortion, force fathers to stay and care for their children, and require both genders to treat sex with the caution it deserves. This, by the way, is how human beings have lived for the vast majority our existence. Stable families create stable societies. As we’ve seen since the liberal revolution of the 1960s, unstable families result in pain, poverty, and misery for millions of people. Bennett’s bill didn’t “own” the Right. It did the opposite. It showed that the way forward post-Roe is to get back to traditional values of family and responsibility.