When the world falls to pieces, the church of all places should be a haven of sanity and righteousness, an escape from the madness around us.

Actually, to the Christian, the true haven is the head of the church Himself. But a people called by His name should exhibit that calling by staying true to His truth–the only truth–no matter how fervently the world rejects it.

Apparently, however, this is too much to ask for some churches.

First Christian Church (FCC) in Katy, Texas, for example, has bought into the LGBTQ agenda hook, line, and sinker–abandoning not only God’s moral instructions on the topic but universal reason and biology as well.

FCC does not merely embrace LGBTQ pride; it defines its whole ministry in terms of LGBTQ pride. In fact, while perusing the church’s website, I encountered multiple uses of the words “pride” and “gay” and “sexuality” and “gender identity,” yet notably missing was any mention of the name “Jesus.” Its homepage boasts of drag queens and pride parades but seems to have forgotten an important Someone.

Even as I write this, I can predict FCC’s counterargument; “we’re called to love everyone,” they’d say. “God wouldn’t want us to turn anyone away.”

But is this really about love?

One of the ministries the church has to offer is a “transparent closet,” a “safe space” for “trans and exploring teens, youth, and young adults” to try on and experiment with clothing and makeup. But is it really loving to encourage a lifestyle that could result in lifelong consequences for gender-confused teens?

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Earlier this week, I recounted the tragic story of Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old girl who medically transitioned in a misguided attempt to become a boy, only to reclaim her biological identity a few years later. Unfortunately, by that point, irreversible damage had already been done to her body. As she put it, “the beauty of motherhood” had been stolen from her.

This, my friends, is exactly why we must never let our churches become comfortable with sin. According to societal norms, it may look appealing. It might even sound “loving.” But there’s always another side to the story.

Churches like FCC flood their websites with pictures of smiling, happy people, bright, colorful parades, and new-agey programs. But beneath the facade of happiness lies the inescapable promise of long-term consequences and brokenness.

For years, spiritual liberalism has crept into our churches. In fact, many of us tolerated it. Many of us were more than fine with it for as long as it refused to confront our personal sins or weaknesses. Meanwhile, reverence for biblical truth fell by the wayside.

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In the book Church of Cowards, author Matt Walsh imagines–somewhat humorously, somewhat tragically–what would happen if a “heathen horde” set out to persecute Christians in America. Ultimately, he says, they would conclude that American “Christianity” “is not a Christianity worth persecuting” due to its wholesale concession to the insanity of society.

Churches that host drag queen events for kids and exalt pride are a byproduct of an effeminate religion that would rather fit in with a mad world than make a countercultural stand at the peril of being called “bigoted.” For all the attention I’ve put on the prevalence of transgenderism in our public schools, I think it only fair that I call out the same ideologies when they make their way into the so-called house of God.

FCC is right insofar as it says love is important. But it’s dead wrong when it comes to defining what love is. Real love isn’t blending in with a messed-up world, thereby slipping into irrelevance. Real love is heading in the opposite direction as fast as we can, shining for the world to see, proving that even on our darkest days, a haven of truth still stands.

Jakob Fay is a staff writer for the Convention of States Project, a project of Citizens for Self-Governance.