
I’d love to parody this… but how do you parody reality that is more ridiculous than parody?

An article on “Everyday Feminism” accidentally demonstrates why no one should ever date a feminist.  It begins:

“As a queer femme of color, I keep close relationships with people who go beyond allyship; they’re true accomplices in the fight against white supremacy, queerphobia, and misogyny. If you’re not going to support marginalized folks, then we can’t be friends, let alone date. The personal is political,” she writes.  “Beyond the lovely cushioning, happiness and support that we receive from our platonic relationships (which are, in all honesty, soul-feeding and essential), feminists also date! But there are questions we have to ask before we get close to someone.”

She proceeds to detail some conversation tips, to make sure your date is as ideologically pure as you are.  The first question is, “Do you believe Black Lives Matter?”  If I were a woke feminist, I’d just go all the way to “Don’t date white people, they really suck,” but that’s just me.  Other questions include, “How do you work to dismantle sexism and misogyny in your life?” and “Are you a supporter of the BDS movement?”  Note: if you have no idea what the “BDS movement” is, then you better just ask the waiter for the check now.  (“BDS stands for “Boycott, Divest, Sanctions” — an effort to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians,” she helpfully explains.  So, basically she only dates anti-Semites.)

Anyway, this is a fantastic window in the dating rituals of a certain segment of society.  I’m glad I’m already married, and I’m glad I don’t have to pass any “purity test” for my relationships.  I hope feminists don’t find out about the Salem Witch Trials.  On their next dates, they might just submerge their potential lovers into a pool of water and see if they drown.

Hat Tip: Everyday Feminism

Image Credit: Guian Bolisay

About The Author

Mark was a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, and served as the national coordinator. He left the organization to work more broadly on expanding the self-governance movement beyond the partisan divide. Mark appears regularly on television in outlets as diverse as MSNBC, ABC, NBC, Fox News, CNN, Bloomberg, Fox Business and the BBC. He’s highly sought after for the tea party perspective from print and electronic media outlets, from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, L.A. Times, Washington Examiner, Politico and the The Hill. Mark blogs at MarkMeckler.com, and his opinion editorials regularly run in many of the leading political newspapers both on and offline. Mark has a BA in English from San Diego State University and graduated with honors from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law in 1988. He practiced real estate and business law for almost a decade. For the last eleven years of his legal career he specialized in Internet advertising law. When not fighting for the future of our nation, Mark is an avid horseman, and lives in rural northern California with his wife Patty and two children.

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