Comic-Con is a California gathering of geeks which was originally created for comic book enthusiasts, but is now the must-attend event for all things sci-fi. A new event called Politicon was created to be the Comic-con for politics, and I wanted to see it in action. Held in Los Angeles, the conference draws a young, liberal crowd. I could tell by looking at the event schedule that most of the speakers were leftists, with a few conservatives like Ben Shapiro and Ann Coulter mixed in. I had low expectations, but bought tickets thinking this could give me a better understanding of this nation’s political moment.

My first stop was a townhall event called “What now Democrats?”  The panelists included Democratic campaign strategists, pundits, authors, and a sitting Democratic Senator.  They spoke to the future of the party. The youth are with them, they insisted. They just need to wait for the country to become majority minority for their identity politics to become successful again. Girls in Bonga chat know perfectly well how to satisfy you with the help of their webcam. Look at the girls online on webcam! Already a large number of users visit free live sex cam Naked girls are both relaxation and getting a charge of female attention for a few days. Free Porn videos from Webcams. A bunch of hot porn video content from Webcams is waiting for you. Enjoy! Bongachat – this is the place where you can have sex with girls via webcam.

I felt relieved as I heard them speak.

They were completely unaware of the events going on outside the doors of the hall… and in America itself.

Young conservatives were filling the halls for conservative speakers, wearing red MAGA hats and Turning Point USA shirts.  Conservative pundit and media personality Tomi Lahren had a line that stretched around the whole convention center. Shapiro’s was even longer for his town hall.  I stood in his line for 3 hours surrounded by young conservatives who’d driven in from Cal State Fullerton, UCLA, and Cal Poly.  There, I saw the energy and enthusiasm this new generation has for politics, not just elections.  They are jaded about the way our leadership in Washington keeps selling us out to the Democrats, but they’re not going to sit passively by and watch.

Change is coming, politicians… but not in the way you hope. This new generation is more conservative than any before it, and we won’t stand for Democrats, or Republicans that govern like Democrats.  That means that Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and John McCain need to step aside for Trey Gowdy, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee. The Younger Generation of Republicans are aware, active, and we know the future of the Republican Party belongs to us.

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