Who should teach your children in elementary school? Chances are, you paid attention to your child’s teacher from Day 1 of his or her educational path. But once they go to college, their teachers are very likely to be people who do not share your values. Especially if you belong to the NRA or the GOP. A professor at the University of North Texas — George Yancey — recently released the results of a study that show that members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) are the most likely to be discriminated against if they apply for a job at the university. His new book “Compromising Scholarship: Political Bias in Higher Education” reveals the shocking discrimination discovered by Yancey simply asking professors their thoughts on certain groups. “Assume that your faculty is hiring a new professor,” he asked 435 sociology professors in the United States. “If you were able to learn of [their political group memberships], would that make you more or less likely to support their hire?” Here were some of the categories with which they were presented: Communist Libertarian Green Party Republican NRA ACLU Democrat vegetarians single-parents. PJ Media has the details of the results: Of all political affiliations, NRA membership was ranked as the most likely to hurt an aspiring professor’s chance of getting hired, with 41.2 percent conceding that it would “damage” an applicant’s chance of getting hired. NRA members fared even worse than Republicans. Only 28.7 percent of professors indicated that Republican party membership would damage a candidate’s chance of being hired, according to Yancey’s research. Yancy suspects that NRA members are more marginalized in academics because “NRA membership denotes a more conservative brand of Republicanism,” he tells PJ Media. “Someone may be a moderate Republican which can be seen as acceptable but I suspect that academics envision individuals in the NRA as being on the far right.” Image Credit: Deviant Art Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:two + 1 = Δ