The Beginning… Nor Cal Tea Party was originally Colfax Tea Party at the beginning of the Tea Party movement; begun by an ordinary couple who wanted to take back their country, like so many others. Colfax Tea Party quickly outgrew its location, its original vision and its name. Consequently, we moved to a new, much larger location and more centrally located in Auburn, California and changed our name to show greater vision. Individuals who wanted to know what they could do to take back our country from the clutches of socialism came by the droves. At the time, the issue of health care, out of control government spending and the long arm of the federal government reaching into our businesses and private lives were the catalysts which brought these people in such large numbers from as far away as 75 miles. Helping to Spawn 31 Tea Party Groups Not long into our beginning, it was clear that the calling for Nor Cal Tea Party was to provide help to other groups in outlying areas get established and launch new groups in areas where there were none. Nor Cal Tea Party’s team of dedicated volunteers took on this task and to date; we have launched 31 independent and self-sustaining groups in northern California. We also feel it is imperative to work together with these and other groups, as we all have something to contribute and all have value. When we come together as a team, we are much stronger than an individual group. That is one of the main reasons that we developed the “Tea Party Grassroots Resource Center”. This is a tool for any new or mature Tea Party group, to use free of charge. The Resource Center answers most questions regarding how to start a group, sustain a group, conduct events, fundraise, market your group and much more. You can access that site at Thousands Gather Nor Cal Tea Party is also known for its large events. It has had three large Tax Day rallies and two 911 Memorial events in Sacramento where thousands came to honor our country, her founding and show that we are a force to be reckoned with. We also hold “birthday celebrations” of the Tea Party movement each year on February 27th. Bi-Monthly Meetings Since the Beginning Other events we have done include drive-by petition signings, leadership training seminars, we organized the first statewide California Tea Party conference and hosted seminars where we learn about our constitution. We also conduct a monthly “Friday Night at the Movies” where we show family oriented movies that also have a patriotic theme, such as “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”. We conduct meetings every other week where we have an educational speaker and then we break out into committees to roll up our sleeves and do the work necessary to get the job done. Two Successful Bus Tours in California In 2010 we launched our first bus tour through California entitled “Restoring Our Constitution”. This two week, 24 stop bus tour had constitutional speakers who enlightened our audiences and encouraged them to exercise their freedom and right to vote in the 2010 election. We sponsored another entitled “California Revolution – Rise Up!” tour in April of 2012 that educated citizens on the issues and how the candidates align with our three core values, fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets. This two week tour will stopped in 11 key assembly districts where we have the opportunity to make the biggest impact in the primary election. We had many nationally recognized speakers including Mark Meckler, Hugh Hewitt and Ann Coulter Radio Program Thriving Nor Cal Tea Party is privileged to have our own Radio program on KTKZ 1380 AM Sacramento on Sunday mornings. Here we have another opportunity to educate the masses on the issues and change hearts and minds, one person at a time. Into the Future We understand that we didn’t get here in one election cycle and we will not get out of it in one. It will take a generation to bring us all the way back but we are in this fight for our children, grandchildren and all of our posterity. We can’t leave them with less than what we had. That is why Nor Cal Tea Party has a plan for the next five years, ten years, twenty years and beyond. We will not stop. Providence With all of this said however, nothing we do now will matter if we don’t recognize the force behind us. This movement is a “God breathed” movement. With all the wonderful volunteers we have who are willing to devote their time, talent, treasure and sacred honor; who work and sacrifice, I know, and they believe that there is a much higher purpose. We are simply heeding the call of an all loving, all powerful God who will empower us to do what He has called us to do. We know that our successes were not by sheer will and might. It was and is God directing willing individuals to do His will. Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:ten − 7 = Δ