With Malice Toward None – Great Speeches pt. 6 Jakob Fay April 28, 2023 News It was March 4, 1865, Inauguration Day, and the president had only 41 days to live.
Great men and why we need them Jakob Fay April 25, 2023 News Few great men have ever roamed this earth. And we have the opportunity to sit at their feet.
Seeds of liberty – Great speeches pt. 4 Jakob Fay February 2, 2023 News “These are the times that try men’s souls.”
Seeds of liberty: Great speeches pt. 3 Jakob Fay February 1, 2023 News "The battle is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.”
Great speeches every self-governing American should know pt. 2 Jakob Fay January 26, 2023 News Threaded throughout his speech is a narrative that present-day anti-Americanism has acutely abandoned: an appeal to our founding.
Before Invoking the Founders, Take the Time to Know Them Jakob Fay September 24, 2022 News The men who built our nation were unusually brilliant intellectuals who shouldn’t be made into our image; their intricate, complicated ideas shouldn’t be reduced to pithy platitudes.
We stand in the shadow of heroes. Let’s act worthy of them. Jakob Fay March 4, 2022 Culture, News Every generation in history has had its heroes. And as the morals and values of societal heroes are almost always reflective of the morals and values of the society itself, a simple examination of a society’s heroes will tell you a lot about its people.