2016 Race: Why a Tea Party President is a Real Possibility Mark Meckler May 6, 2015 Engaged Citizens, Featured, Incumbent Accountability, Mark's Commentaries, News When the Tea Party began in 2009, even those of us at the heart of the movement couldn’t have predicted how it would permanently alter America’s...
National Debt Reaches New Milestone: $18 Trillion Mark Meckler December 4, 2014 Budget, Economy, Featured, News This milestone is not a reason for celebration. Fox News reports: The national debt has passed the $18 trillion mark, sparking renewed...
“How can I regulate what I couldn’t legislate?” Mark Meckler November 6, 2013 Barf Bag Scientific data has proven beyond a doubt that the use of carbon energy-based fuels like coal and natural gas will not drive up the world’s...