As I watched the last debate, I was frustrated by what seemed to be the very expansive view of the role of the federal government being promoted by both candidates. To me, the fundamental question is “who decides?” And generally, I support decision making at the most local level possible, within the bounds of practicality and the Constitution. Neither candidate stood for that proposition in this week’s debate. The underlying premise of the entire debate seemed to be that all the solutions to our problems emanate from Washington DC. One of my favorite commentators from Reason is Nick Gillespie. I’ve had the privilege to be on John Stossel’s show with Nick several times now and he’s a great in person as he is in writing or on TV. He’s got a sharp wit and an impressive command of the issues. Here’s his take on the Presidential debate and the issue of who speaks for those that think government should do less? Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:eight − 8 = Δ