If you’re like me, you’ve been inundated with videos of more police brutality in response to the protests against police brutality. This is a good moment to stop and reflect on the good cops that are out there and the unthinkable position they’re in right now. Things are horrific out there for law enforcement officers: One officer was shot and killed in Oakland, California; an officer was run over in the street in New York City; over fifty Secret Service officer hurt in Washington, DC. All over the country, officers have been hit in the head with bottles, glass, and other objects. In Nashville, protesters kicked the officer’s horses as they tried to keep peace. Yet, some officers have been willing to put aside their fear and try to connect with the very people protesting. This demonstration of good will and courage is astounding to me, and I think it will be to you, too. Here’s a round up of some of the moments from the protests that remind us that we’re all human, all Americans, and all in need of mercy and grace. In Nashville, a police officer and a protester embraced in prayer: In the midst of Sat’s confrontation between protestors & officers at the Central Precinct, Officer Garren Hoskins and the protestor in front of him began talking about their shared Christian faith. Hoskins asked the man to join him in prayer. He put his sign down. They prayed. pic.twitter.com/c1KasU9dNQ— Metro Nashville PD (@MNPDNashville) June 1, 2020 In Michigan, a Sherriff took off his riot gear and marched with the protestors. “I want to make this a parade, not a riot.” The protest in Flint, Michigan yesterday was peaceful, with no rioting, looting, or fighting (based on social media posts). The city's sherriff marched with the protesters after they chanted 'Walk With Us,' as well as giving multiple small speeches throughout the evening. pic.twitter.com/rX2fDpyZfG— • kira • BLM (@donewittiptoing) May 31, 2020 In New Jersey, police began marching with the protesters: In New Jersey the police officers are protesting WITH the people shouting no justice no peace. This is how it should be, every police station should be walking with their community there is no excuse! pic.twitter.com/8pwkCOA2fP— ً (@AMPZ222) May 30, 2020 Again, in Nashville, a protest at the capitol was about to occur and the National Guard showed up in riot gear. When the protestors asked them to put down their shields, many of them did. Then, the protestors began singing, the old gospel hymn “Down by the Riverside,” which includes the lyrics, “I’m gonna lay down my sword and shield…” Several Democratic lawmakers came down to be with the protestors, while Republican lawmakers stayed up on the balconies. This was quite a moment. Protest has been peaceful and several legislators (all Dem) have addressed the protesters. @brotherjones_ asked the National Guard to drop their shields, and they did. pic.twitter.com/GaLfU9bzRD— Natalie Allison (@natalie_allison) June 2, 2020 “I’m gonna lay down my sword & shield” the protesters sang last night. After National Guard dropped shields, group asked troopers to drop their batons. They refused at first, but then some of them did.At end of this video, you can see some troopers still holding on to theirs. pic.twitter.com/NU75JgxdVI— Natalie Allison (@natalie_allison) June 2, 2020 Image Credit: Wikipedia Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:two × 3 = Δ