The University of Kansas is hosting a Spring art contest titled “But the chicken’s good…?” in response to a new campus Chick-fil-A. The Sexuality and Gender Diversity Faculty & Staff Council and the KU Department of Visual Art are joining together to make sure that the students on campus have a chance to express their anger over the fast food restaurant’s “brand.” (Translation for word “brand” in this context: their founders’ commitment to Judeo-Christian values, such as being closed on Sunday. Their current president, Dan Cathy, is opposed to same-sex marriage personally, but they serve anyone who comes through the door.) “In light of the controversy over the installation of Chick-fil-A in the Kansas memorial union, the SGDFS council would like to open up a campus conversation about the meaning of the brand” flyers popping up around KU’s campus read. “Some members of KU’s community have felt alienation and anger over the University’s financial investment in a company whose owner has expressed virulent homophobic views; others cite allegiance to the food’s tastiness or the lack of other inexpensive options.” Have you ever heard the phrase “higher education bubble?” This is it: KU faculty members have argued the new Chick-fil-A could harm the “physical, emotional, and mental well being of marginalized and LGBTQ people.” Such hyperbole and navel-gazing! I guess this is all you can expect on college campuses these days, but – as a parent – I wouldn’t pay a dime to send my kids to be taught by such emotionally unstable, logically fallacious, and factually inaccurate faculty members. But I do agree that the chicken tastes good. Hat Tip: Campus Reform Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:5 × one = Δ