PURCELLVILLE, Va., June 25, 2015 – The Convention of States Project denounces today’s Supreme Court ruling in King v. Burwell that proves once again the people don’t stand a chance against the ruling elite in Washington, D.C. Worse yet, the Court’s decision to ignore the law-as-written sets a precedent that completely strips Congress of its role in the legislative process and destroys the balance of power within the federal government.

“Today’s Supreme Court decision, King v. Burwell, was revolutionary in that it completely denuded the role of Congress in the future,” said former U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, who recently joined the Convention of States Project as a Senior Advisor. “One ruling has revealed there is absolutely no longer any balance of power in the federal government as our Founders intended.”

Mark Meckler, President of Citizens for Self-Governance and co-founder of the Convention of States Project, had equally strong words for the highest court in the land. “The law is dead. Long live the King—in this case, the Supreme Court. Once again, the Supreme Court has, by its own admission, substituted its own opinion for the plain text of the law. Either laws mean what they say or they don’t, and the Roberts court has decided that the so-called ‘intent’ of a law is more germane to its interpretation that actual acts of Congress.”

“Beyond propping up a failing health care law doing grave damage to millions of American individuals and businesses, this decision is deeply troubling to those who care about the Constitution and the rule of law,” Meckler continued. “We have reached a point of fundamental Constitutional crisis, and the American people know it, better than the Court itself.”

The Convention of States Project offers a solution as big as the problem. Called under Article V of the Constitution, a Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that will help rebalance power in America, returning it back to the states and taking it away from the federal government. It can also make clear the unconstitutionality of Obamacare and other invasive programs by the federal government.

Along with Sen. Coburn, two presidential candidates—Gov. Bobby Jindal and Mike Huckabee—have voiced their support for the Convention of States Project. They join dozens of other national leaders in backing the only way to stop the runaway train in Washington, D.C.

About The Author

Mark was a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, and served as the national coordinator. He left the organization to work more broadly on expanding the self-governance movement beyond the partisan divide. Mark appears regularly on television in outlets as diverse as MSNBC, ABC, NBC, Fox News, CNN, Bloomberg, Fox Business and the BBC. He’s highly sought after for the tea party perspective from print and electronic media outlets, from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, L.A. Times, Washington Examiner, Politico and the The Hill. Mark blogs at MarkMeckler.com, and his opinion editorials regularly run in many of the leading political newspapers both on and offline. Mark has a BA in English from San Diego State University and graduated with honors from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law in 1988. He practiced real estate and business law for almost a decade. For the last eleven years of his legal career he specialized in Internet advertising law. When not fighting for the future of our nation, Mark is an avid horseman, and lives in rural northern California with his wife Patty and two children.

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