This should surprise precisely no one who has paid attention to the level of actual education happening on college campus these days. Campus Reform sent Cabot Phillips to the American University campus in Washington D.C. during the government shutdown to ask students about various “quotes by Donald Trump” relating to building a wall on the southern border. Of course, the students condemned the quotes as hateful, irresponsible, and mean. The trick? The quotes were all made by prominent Democrats who have supported the wall in the past — including Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama. Their surprise when they realize that they’d just condemned their favorite political leaders is pretty priceless. It’s stunning that these students have such a “recency” and “anti-Trump” biases that they don’t even realize the very recent history of immigration reform. We need a wall, we need to protect our borders. We used to all agree with that. Watch the below: Image Credit: YouTube Screenshot Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:seventeen + seven = Δ