Watch ‘The Giver’ to Remind Yourself Why We’re Fighting Mark Meckler August 13, 2014 Mark's Commentaries, News, Shared Values, Tea Party What do progressives want? If you want to know, to really see, then pack up the wife and kids and head to your local movie theater on August 15. Based on the Lois Lowry novel, a new movie called The Giver...
The IRS Is Ready to Move On, But the American People Are Not Mark Meckler July 15, 2014 Corruption, IRS Lawsuit, Mark's Commentaries, News, Scandals Ever since the IRS scandal broke, the agency’s defenders have been saying it’s over. President Obama denied a “smidgen” of corruption. Elijah Cummings still says “the case is solved.” These...
Scott Walker, Don’t Become One of Them Mark Meckler May 12, 2014 Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker never got a college degree. He says it is one of his biggest regrets in life. It weighs on him so heavily that his spokesman recently said the Governor is now considering going...
Mark Meckler to Discuss “Challenges to Democracy” in John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum Mark Meckler April 22, 2014 Mark's Commentaries, News, Shared Values On Tuesday, April 22 at 6pm EST, Mark Meckler will discuss “Challenges to Democracy” with Joan Blades, Co-Founder of and Co-Founder and President of The conversation will...
Mark Meckler on Convention of States, Faith Journey at Patrick Henry College Mark Meckler April 10, 2014 Convention of States, Mark's Commentaries, News, Tea Party Mark talks candidly about the Convention of States project, how he first got involved in the Tea Party movement, and shares a little about his own faith journey.
I Am Not Afraid – Mark Meckler at Article V Symposium Mark Meckler April 8, 2014 Convention of States, Engaged Citizens, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News, U.S. Constitution Mark Meckler appeared at the Article V Symposium in Denver, Colorado, last week to discuss the importance of using a Convention of States to halt the abuses of Washington, D.C. In a 9-minute address, Mark described why our country needs a Convention of States and responded to the fears of naysayers.
How Could the IRS Scandal NOT Happen? A Weekly Feature in Rasmussen Mark Meckler June 26, 2013 Activist Stories, Mark's Commentaries While the investigations are important, they beg the bigger question: How could such a thing happen? The better question, though, being aware of the inherent survival instinct in each of us, is how could...
The Battle Against the Big Government Dragon Mark Meckler June 20, 2013 Mark's Commentaries Mark Meckler's latest weekly commentary on Rassmusen Reports was published on Tuesday. Click Here for the link: In his commentary, Mark speaks to the evolution of our government into "Big Government" and...