It’ll Take More Than Mockery To Get Texas To Trust The Federal Government Mark Meckler May 11, 2015 Big Government, Dispersed Power, Engaged Citizens, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News 1 Comment Texas Governor Greg Abbott set off a firestorm… of ridicule. When he discovered military exercises would be conducted in 7 states – including Texas – over the summer in one of the biggest peacetime...
Left to Rot by Government Employees Mark Meckler May 9, 2015 Corruption, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News It’s hard to live in America and ignore the stories of police brutality… some undoubtedly exaggerated, some tragically true. But here’s what’s undeniable: government employees enjoy immunity from...
2016 Race: Why a Tea Party President is a Real Possibility Mark Meckler May 6, 2015 Engaged Citizens, Featured, Incumbent Accountability, Mark's Commentaries, News When the Tea Party began in 2009, even those of us at the heart of the movement couldn’t have predicted how it would permanently alter America’s political landscape. Just six years later, it’s undeniably...
Wisconsin Home Invasions: When the Government Upends Democracy Mark Meckler May 2, 2015 Barf Bag, Big Government, Corruption, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News Cindy woke up to a battering ram at her front door. She opened the door to a rushing mob of policemen, yelling and barging through her house with no explanation. She begged them not to shoot her barking...
Did John McCain Know about IRS Targeting? Mark Meckler April 24, 2015 Featured, Incumbent Accountability, IRS Lawsuit, Mark's Commentaries, News When the IRS scandal broke, Sen. John McCain sent out a press release claiming to be shocked at the news. But was he? Three years’ worth of IRS e-mail evidence continues to build against the federal...
The Clintons Have Always Been about Pay to Play Mark Meckler March 25, 2015 Corruption, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News, Scandals On the campaign trail in 2008, then-Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were in a cycle of one-upping each other on their transparency in public office. At one stop, Hillary proudly announced: “I...
Mark Meckler on the Jim Bohannon Show: How to Keep our Republic Mark Meckler March 24, 2015 Big Government, Convention of States, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, Media Coverage, News Late Thursday night, March 19, Mark Meckler was a guest on the Jim Bohannon show. He discussed the state of our modern government and the solution that is found in Article V of our own...
Unleashing the Power of Citizenry: Townhall Interview with Mark Meckler Mark Meckler March 18, 2015 Convention of States, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News Among his travels, the President of Citizens for Self Governance, Mark Meckler, represented CSG at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference. While there, he got a chance to talk to a lot of people...
Finding a Real Solution to Government Gone Wild Mark Meckler March 14, 2015 Big Government, Budget, Featured, Mark's Commentaries, News Should bad behavior be rewarded in hopes of reform? Or should it be punished? Parents would have a pretty good answer to this, but the federal government apparently doesn’t. President Obama’s proposed...
What If Obamacare Subsidies Disappear? Mark Meckler February 27, 2015 Big Government, Featured, Lawmaker Lunacy, Mark's Commentaries, News Does the Affordable Care Act really mean what it says? The Supreme Court will be answering that question in King v. Burwell in the coming months. The question, which surfaced in the public awareness with...