Following the tragic shooting of 29 year old black man Jacob Blake in Kenosha,Wisconsin, protests have plagued the streets. Violent rioters have been assaulting police officers and setting small businesses ablaze. Now, they are surrounding and intimidating white bystanders, demanding compliance. One video shows a large group of ‘activists’ surrounding a woman who is peacefully sitting outside a diner. The rioters hands are raised in fists as they lean in and yell into the woman’s face: “White Silence is Violence!” Of course, they weren’t exactly following CDC guidelines, but they only sporadically care about those. 1) In a scene that played out several times Monday, a Black Lives Matter protest that began in Columbia Heights confronted White diners outside D.C. restaurants, chanting “White silence is violence!” and demanding White diners show their solidarity. #DCProtests — Fredrick Kunkle WaPo (@KunkleFredrick) August 25, 2020 It’s not hard to tell what is going on in these clips. A nearly completely white mob of social justice warriors were engulfing all bystanders, forcing compliance. Many victims raise their fists, but some instead remain silent. Those who refuse to appease the mob, are surrounded and threatened. According to Washington Post writer Fredrick Kunkle, the woman seated in the video’s name was Lauren B. Victor. She is reported to have described feeling, “under attack.” Victor was no enemy to the protestors, she had marched with them for “weeks and weeks and weeks.” She just felt there was something wrong with being coerced. Victor kept an even-keel in the face of the shouting mob. “I wasn’t actually frightened. I didn’t think they’d do anything to me,” she stated. You’re telling me the masked BLM cowards aren’t as intimidating as they might think? Weird. Wait, aren’t these people protesting unfair police treatment of black people? Wouldn’t committing violent crimes and harassing the innocent be abusing the white privilege black people don’t enjoy? Who is going to get blamed for these crimes? Seems a little counterproductive to me, but I’ve never understood how destroying property and committing crime promotes racial equality. This incident outside the diner is indicative of the current political climate. Don’t agree with riots? Racist. Aren’t Pro-Choice? Sexist. Don’t want a socialist president? You must hate the poor. (At one point, you could hear a protestor ask the lady if she’s a Christian. Nice.) Name calling and bullying is pathetic, especially when disguised as wanting justice for the oppressed. Hat Tip:, Twitter Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please enter an answer in digits:sixteen + 5 = Δ