Utah to protect minors from social media Jakob Fay March 28, 2023 News These are not questions any governor should have to answer.
CNN invents new ‘insidious’ form of racism Jakob Fay March 27, 2023 News The Left’s redefined “racism” is increasingly absurd and increasingly unbelievable.
Elon Musk’s 3 rules for civil discourse Jakob Fay March 23, 2023 News The best way to fight misinformation is to respond with accurate information, not censorship
A new birth of freedom – Great Speeches pt. 5 Jakob Fay March 21, 2023 News In that unassuming moment, Lincoln changed history, painting a timeless portrait of patriot heroism for all Americans to cherish.
The seven-year-long prosecution has finally found its ‘crime’ Jakob Fay March 20, 2023 News The left is prepared and willing to set one of the most dangerous precedents in modern political history on vague, uncertain grounds.
Clean privilege? Prof. says ‘anti-messiness’ is racist, sexist Jakob Fay March 16, 2023 News From exercise to math to football to Looney Tunes and the Bob the Builder theme song, the Left will cite anything as “proof” we live in a deeply racist world.
Man up, America Jakob Fay March 16, 2023 News Our society would rather see men stagnate in a state of perpetual adolescence than rise up to be conquerors. It would rather keep men at home, addicted. Dependent.
Stay focused. We have a country to save. Jakob Fay March 13, 2023 News The Left, popcorn in hand, is laughing at us.