Break the Left vs. Right Paradigm Bud Cornwell August 27, 2012 Pillars of Self Governance The Ruling Elite are in conflict with the citizens in America. They simply don’t represent us. These elected officials use the Left v. Right battle to keep the citizens distracted with partisan politics to keep ...
End the Cycle of Incumbency Bud Cornwell August 26, 2012 Pillars of Self Governance 1 Comment Everybody hates corrupt politicians and wants to return to the days of REAL public servants. Our economic system of Capitalism has been replaced by the Crony Capitalism of long term incumbents who no longer need...
Interstate Compacts, an old and reliable way to devolve power back to the states Bud Cornwell May 1, 2012 Uncategorized THE HEALTH CARE COMPACT The Constitution established a federal government, but with limited and enumerated powers, and reserved to the states or to the people those powers not granted to the federal...