White House and Hollywood merge into one bogus act Brianna Kraemer March 20, 2023 News The act continues in Washington with true Hollywood actors making a 'guest appearance' at a press briefing Monday afternoon, contributing to the White House political act. As if demonstrating the White House...
Research finds adding pronouns to resume hinders chances of employment Brianna Kraemer March 14, 2023 News Putting pronouns in social media bios and on resumes has become a popular signal of progressivism, especially among young women, but it’s not so appealing to hard-working, business professionals, a new...
Study links vaccine refusal to conservatives with lack of problem-solving skills Brianna Kraemer March 8, 2023 Blog, News If you chose to not get the Covid-19 vaccine, you lack problem-solving skills and are likely xenophobic, a blatantly subjective medical study finds. As ridiculous as it may sound to self-governing...
Netflix dropping prices in over 100 countries, but not for dazed American consumers Brianna Kraemer February 24, 2023 Culture, News Americans already “saturate” the market adequately.
Biden’s staged photo-op in Ukraine contradicts the media’s reports of a dangerous war Brianna Kraemer February 20, 2023 Featured, News The taxpayer-sponsored show continues with American actor Joe Biden and Ukraine’s actor Volodymyr Zelenskyy posing for treacherous war-scene photos. On Monday, Biden was on the ground in Ukraine for a...
Former CNN host leads ‘disinformation’ panel at World Economic Forum Brianna Kraemer January 20, 2023 News Less than six months after his departure from CNN, Brian Stelter appeared in Davos, Switzerland this week as a mouthpiece for the global crusade against 'disinformation'. What was first thought to be a...
Sick adults claim age is just a social construct Brianna Kraemer January 6, 2023 News When the transgender phenomenon became a commonly known concept not too long ago, many questioners challenged the idea by asking what else in life can transform simply by declaring it so. If gender can be...
Media and scientists shape narrative on growing heart issues around climate change Brianna Kraemer December 15, 2022 News Unless you’ve become a clear-cut victim of technology censorship, you’ve likely heard of the sharp rise in heart issues in the past year. Myocarditis has become a huge cause for concern as it relates to...
Comical – “Financial” Times names Ukraine’s Zelenskyy person of the year Brianna Kraemer December 8, 2022 News Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been named both Time Magazine’s and Financial Times’s 2022 person of the year, in what could be interpreted as a humorous tribute. The leader has taken in...
Dr. Fauci will be remembered for the worst judgments in modern medicine, Sen. Rand Paul Brianna Kraemer December 2, 2022 News As Dr. Fauci's time in the federal government comes to an end, Senator Rand Paul took an opportunity to throw his name back into the spotlight for all the disastrous decisions he made for the nation during...